Safe in his arms (Part 4)

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Woman- This dint happen even during the time of partition. We have danced, played together and have been together through thick and thin. Can't believe it is the same Bharat Nagar!

Bang! The loud sound makes all of them jump as the rioters hit at the shop's gate.


The lady is panicked because she is not a Hindu and the rioters were chanting some Hindu bhajans while banging at the door. The lady starts sobbing

Lady- Is it my fault that I am a muslim?

Prerna- It is your right to choose your religion. Don't let anyone snatch it away from you!

The rioters keep hitting at the garage door. Prerna is as much panicked as everyone else. A girl is afraid thinking if they will kill them all. Prerna tells her not to think like that. 

Prerna- We will win this game. Don't be afraid. 

Rioters pour kerosene at the door. Prerna catches the hint of it. Prerna says they must leave from here. The lady tells her there is only one entry and exit. Rioters keep using force to break open the door. That girl asks her mother if they lost. Prerna declines.

Prerna- Good always wins over evil. We wont lose. 

Rioters manage to break open the door. As Prerna finishes her sentence the door bursts open and the rioters march in. 

On the other hand Anurag is frantically searching for Prerna when he see's a wounded child. Anurag is checking the kid. Some Muslim rioters walk in and notice that the kid is a Hindu boy. They stop Anurag from treating the kid as he is Hindu. Anurag keeps nursing the kid's wound. They ask Anurag about his religion. Anurag replies humanity but they insist upon knowing if he is Hindu or Muslim. However Anurag keeps mum. They snatch his wallet and read his ID Card. 

Rioter- This is why you are treating this kid! 

Anurag tells him that he would have treated any other kid the same way. 

Anurag- I wont let you play communal riots here. 

One of the guys try to stab Anurag but Anurag holds his hand in time. Anurag says 

Anurag- My dharma tells me to protect everyone irrespective of their religion. People who do riots will never understand my dharma. Every dharma has a different way to reach out to their Gods but they are based on humanity. We lose our Gods when we sway from that path. Should I not save this kid just because he is wearing a holy thread and not a taveez? What if it was your kid lying here? I am going to treat the kid. I will see who stops me from doing that. 

The rioters were about to attack once again but the police comes there so they run away. After making sure the kid is fine Anurag searches for Prerna. 

Back in the shop one guy asks them to stand separately depending on their religions. The woman pleads the rioters to spare her and everyone else. They refuse to spare anyone as Muslim's have killed their kids too. 

Prerna stands up for everybody

Prerna- Look, I am an Hindu but that does not mean I go around killing people of other religions. At the end of the day we all have our different ways of praying to god. But we are all humans and we should believe in humanity. Please leave them

Rioter- Prove you are Hindu

Prerna shows them her mangalsutra so they ask her to stand aside while they get ready to kill the others. Prerna refuses and stands her ground. She stands in front pf all the others like she is guarding them. 

Anurag reaches the check post. Police does not let him inside. Anurag tries to make his way inside by force but in vain. They hear a loud blast. Anurag shouts Prerna's name and jumps over a barricade. 

Anurag- PRERNAAAA!!!

Anurag continues running fast and shouts Prerna's name repeatedly.

The guy raises his sword to hit Prerna but Anurag holds it. He stares the guy right in his eye while his blood spills on the sword. Prerna cries seeing him there. Anurag hits the guy using his other hand and fights with other rioters too. Prerna tells everyone that Anurag is fighting for them but they have to do it on their own now. 

Prerna- You have to fight your fears on your own! Rioters have no agenda. Religion never teaches you to fight with each other. It is everyone's right to live freely in this country. Pick up the weapons and fight for your right! 

Everyone picks up a weapon each and fights with the rioters. Anurag asks Prerna if she is fine. She nods and asks him about himself and the family. Anurag looks at her and nods. Prerna notices one of the rioters throwing a stone towards Anurag and turns him around. She gets hit on her head instead. Anurag holds her head and his hand is drenched in her blood. Prerena passes out in his lap. Anurag shouts her name as tears make way out of his eyes. Though he had just met her he felt that he was responsible for her state. Only if he did not insist her on taking this route she would have never been in this mess. It is all his fault. 

Anurag tries to wake Prerna up. He picks her up in his arm and shifts to a corner so as to avoid getting seen by the rioters. He hears the rioters telling each other to check in the store. He picks up a tin sheet and covers himself and Prerna with it. He holds her tight and muffles his cries sobs as the rioters hit everything inside the garage with their sticks. Rioters leave from the garage as they could not find anyone there. Anurag stands up after a minute to make sure everyone has left.

Moloy speaks to Commissioner and finds out that force has been sent to Bharat Nagar. 

He lifts Prerna in his arms and comes outside the shop. A few rioters see him and are about to attack when the police jeep comes there and the rioters run off. The police asks Anurag to come inside along with Prerna. Anurag climbs in and the jeep drives out of Bharat Nagar. The police drop Anurag and Prerna next to the stand by ambulance. Anurag gets of with Prerna still in his arms and rushes into the ambulance and places Prerna on the bed. The nurse climbs in and then shuts the doors of the Ambulance as it speeds towards the hospital. Anurag takes a seat beside Prerna and holds her hand.

Anurag- I am so sorry Prerna, all of this happened because of me, please forgive me. I am so sorry. 

The unconscious figure of Prerna lay still as a response and it hurt Anurag more. The ambulance pulled into the hospital...


That is all for today... My apologies for the late update I have not being feeling to well lately. Hope you all liked the update

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