A little pre-story author's note

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So hai peoples it's me, just your average Bunnie. I just want to say some stuff before I begin. The way I come up with ideas is from 30% pure imagination and 70% other things. So, if you see something and think hey that is from here or there and you copied that off of so and so. This isn't true. I don't copy off of other people, I simply use their ideas as inspiration. Also, I might not have heard of this person or thing you mention so yea. Anyway i am bound to make mistakes and I'm not the best speller so please be gentle with the hate, I really don't need that. So I've take up enough of your time so this is me, Bunnie, saying buh-byeee!!

P.S. This entire story in pre-written so yeah. I'm not gonna change it.

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