Chapter 17

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I told Toby and Slenderman I was going to explore a bit. They both warned me to be back by dark. I ran off into the woods not wanting to fly quite yet. I still didn't fully trust my wings. I am regenerative, so they should be alright now, but I can't be too careful. I got deeper and deeper into the woods. Just when I thought they would never end, the trees gave way to a town. My town. I spread my wings and soared up high. I couldn't risk being seen here. In the clouds, everything seemed so small. I saw my old house and the remains of the one next to it. Toby's house. I silently glided over to my house and landed on the roof. There was a lot of cars gathered. At first I thought the people were there to console my parents about my disappearance when I heard music. They were having a party. Well, now that won't do. This party was about to get interesting.

<Toby's POV>

I followed her. I couldn't help it. She could get into danger and none of us would know. She ran to our old town and took flight. She soared into the clouds, then glided to about where my house was. Oh yeah. I forgot she was my neighbor. I slinked around the tree line. I got to the woods right behind our old houses and saw her perched on a roof. Her wings were black. I heard music coming from the building she was standing on. This was her house. That was a party. Her parents were having a party. Oh no. This was not good. Anyone in this situation would be bad, but Willow in this situation. Willow would destroy this place and probably level the town as well. As silently as I could I climbed some ivy growing up the side of the house. I managed to get to the roof somehow and whisper yelled at Willow. "Will, what are you doing?" She smiled insanely. "I'm going to heat things up." She put a lot of emphasis on the heat. Oh, god. She was going to light a fire. I had to stop her, these people were awful, but I couldn't let them be incinerated. "Will please don't. I know they are awful and they deserve it, but please come back to me so we can talk about this." I needed her to be Will. Willow Wisp is not the girl I wanted. Her wings turned slightly lighter but it wasn't enough. She shook her head. "Will isn't here right now, please leave a message." She faltered a bit towards the end giving me an edge of hope. "Will, these people will suffer and we could make them do it together. Come on, please, just come back to me." Tears formed in my eyes as I whipped of my goggles to dry them with my sleeve. "Are-are you crying?" "Y-yeah I guess. Will please come back." Her wings were nearly white now. "T-Toby?" "Yes love, it's me." I rushed forward and embraced her. This may sound really cheesy, but I was so relieved she was okay. (A/N: I didn't realize how cheesy this sounded until I reread it. Lol sorry.) "Will, what happened?" "I don't know. I heard the music and it made me mad. Then Willow popped into my head and whispered awful things. She took control and forced me to watch. But you. You brought her to her knees. I was able to get control back. Thank you." She was tearing up, I saw a small puddle building in her goggles. I removed them and held her face. "I love you." Her tears fell faster. "I love you Toby. I want fall asleep in your arms every day and wake up to your beautiful face every morning." "Oh, god, I love you." Our mouths clashed. Her fingers ran through my hair as I used mine to pull her closer. My hands wandered slightly up her shirt. Someone cleared their throat and be broke apart. It was Masky.

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