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Ben's POV

Will and Toby were snuggled up next to eachother on the couch. They kept poking eachother and messing around. "Aww, how cute." They both gave me the death glare.I smiled. "Ticci Toby wuvs Willow Wisp!" Three hand axes, one battle axe, and an assortment of knives came hurtling at me. They all pinned me to the couch I was on, but no a single one actually hurt me.

"Better watch yourself Ben, or else next time we will be far more accurate." Will was scary enough but I knew she wouldn't actually hurt me. Toby, on the other hand, I'm not so sure. "Fair enough, just keep the ushie-gushies away from me." Will burst out in laughter. "All right mini Link, we'l do that," Thank god, "That is, until the wedding, then we'll be smooching all over this couch and if you want to play your games you are gonna have to deal with it." She said this all with a smile and returned to poking Toby. She has to be the most confusing person ever, but I am glad she loves someone, even though it's Toby. I'd like to think of myself as her best friend here and I just want her to happy. "Eww, you guys are gross," I said smirking. Will jumped over to my couch with lightning speed and began rapidly poking me. "Hey! Stop!" She was poking really fast and painfully. "Apologize and I will." "Okay, okay. I'm sorry I think you guys are gross." "Apology accepted." She stopped poking me and walked into the kitchen, followed by Toby. They are so weird and confusing, but hey, Ticci Toby wuvs Willow Wisp and there is no denying it.

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