Chapter 6

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<Toby's POV> (A/N: Different POV crazy!)

"I am Willow Wisp" Will whispered to her victims.
I glanced at Masky and Hoodie, they looked frighted as well. Masky moved his mask up enough so we could see his mouth. He mouthed the words 'She is dangerous' Hoodie and I nodded. Hoodie ran back to the slendermansion to alert Slenderman about the situation. Masky looked to me and nodded. It was a signal to go after her. I felt defenseless without my axes but Will had them. Suddenly, I felt something that I remembered from before the accident. I felt it for my sister, and now for Will. But, no, it couldn't be, no, not love. Love does not exist for me anymore.
I snapped out of that little daze I was in and saw Masky staring at me. How could he know? Then I realized he was waiting for me to signal back. Slightly embarrassed I nodded to him. He put his hands up and moved forward and I did the same. We were hoping to appeal to her more gentle side. Once we were in view she turned to us. "Hello," she said so simply it was like she hadn't just brutally murdered three people. I breathed and replied, "Hi Will, how have you been?" "Oh, you know, just a little insane." She looked to be on the verge of tears. I felt the urge to wrap my arms around her frail body and comfort her. I moved towards her as non-threateningly as I could. She turned her full attention to me. I could see confusion in her eyes? Weren't they brown before? I was about two feet away from her now. She tensed but didn't run. I could feel Masky's stares on the back of my neck. Well, it is now or never. I make one final move towards her, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist, and pulling her towards me.

<Back to Will, yay!>

He was touching me. His arms were wrapped around my body tightly and I was pulled against him. I kinda enjoyed it. I melted into the hug and returned it. I started to break down and cry when I heard a whisper in my ear, "It won't be okay, but it will get better." He took a small breath and then said, "I promise." I felt hips lips touch the top of my head. So warm and soft, I wanted them on my lips. Wait, what? Nope, nope, nope. No love for Willow anymore. Love is just a way to get hurt. I glanced up and saw Masky standing behind Toby awkwardly. I took one hand off of Toby and waved him over. He approached nervously and his movement was noticed by Toby. He turned his head to Masky, the to me. He removed an arm from me (quite to my dismay) and invited Masky to the hug. Masky smiled and shook his heard in a slightly bewildered way (his mask raised so I knew he smiled) and joined the hug. He wasn't as welcome to me as Toby was, but it wasn't horrible. The horrible started when we broke apart.

(A/N: little cliff hanger here just to make people mad hahaha I'm evil)

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