Chapter 20

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We rushed past the others, leaving them wondering what was going on. Toby took one hand off of me and pounded on the door. Slenderman answered it looking rather annoyed. "Yes?" He looked down at me and nodded. He picked me up with a tentacle and laid me on his desk. The last thing I saw before I passed out from lack of blood flow was Toby trying to explain what happened.
Here I am again, in a coma. Except this time, I can't control when I come back. It's like my power was frozen with my blood. I heard Slendy muttering, what sounded like a spell, under his breath. I saw Toby in the corner crying silently. Oh no. I can't tell him I'm alright. This is pure agony. I looked around helplessly. A slight smoke seemed to be gathering in the room, opposite where I stood. The smoke took a shape, my shape. No, Willow's shape. The smoke solidified. Willow Wisp now stood opposite of me. She smiled devilishly. "Well, well, well. I see your here now as well. Welcome to my prison. I have existed here forever. Only recently have I become strong enough to speak to you and even control you." She smiled all the while she said this. "Now, I know you may hate me, but that is ill guided feelings. Slendy hates all things stronger than him. I am far stronger than all of the CreepyPasta put together. Now just let me control you and we shall rule the world." She paused and then spoke once more. "That boy you love, Toby, he let his demon take control of him. He became powerful because of it. He killed an awful human to right a wrong. I am simply trying to do the same. Now why don't you let me show you what I mean." She stepped forward and I stepped back. She wasn't about to control me that easily. She was lying. "Lies. All of what you say is lies. Toby is his own mind. He snapped at his father on his own, no demon owns him." My courage was building with each word. I could feel my body temperature increasing. "You are the one who froze me Willow. I know it. You attempted to kill me so as to steal me. You will never own me. I will fight you until I die and after then. Never will I be yours." This enraged Willow. She lunged at me but I was ready. I summoned my battle axe and swung at her. She stopped before the blade hit her and jumped over my swing. I summoned a knife and threw it, impaling her in her shoulder. She howled in pain and charged at me again. I pretended to take another slow axe swing and summoned a smaller, one-handed axe. As she moved to dodge the large swing I threw the small axe at her head. It embedded itself into her skull and she dropped dead. I took one last battle axe swing and sliced her in half. That b*tch wasn't coming back. I was now a normal temperature, so I reached out and touched my hand, dragging me back to consciousness.

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