Chapter 9

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(A/N: slight language warning in this chapter)

<Toby's POV>

She grew wings, grabbed Slender, and flew higher. Then she glowed brightly and when she was done she no longer had on her original outfit. She gave out a shriek of laughter. I shivered, that sound was not natural, not human, not Will. I looked to Masky and Hoodie to see if they had any idea on how to stop her. "Well, we're screwed." "Thank you, Masky, for pointing that out." I growled. Leave it to Masky to try to make this into a joke. "Dammit! Just cut it out Will!" "That is totally going to stop her, guaranteed." I glared at Hoodie. "So what do you suggest we do?! Grow wings and fly up there?!" "Ay, none of that Toby. It's not his fault your girlfriend is crazy." Wait, what was he talking about. She's "Sh-she isn't my g-g-girlfriend," I said through gritted teeth, "Sh-shee is going to k-kill Slender if w-we d-don't stop h-her." I changed the topic quickly, though I didn't know why. "Well, let's put our heads together and th-" He was cut off by an ear splitting giggle. Slender's limp body was hurtling to the ground. He seemed to come to his senses before he hit because he teleported away. "No fair Mr. Slender. Teleporting is cheating in this little game." Will landed on the ground next to us. "So, boys," she started, "let's see what you are thinking about." She turned her head to Hoodie and stared at his face. "You are thinking about how you rather be at the mansion eating cheesecake, than be here right now." That sounded pretty accurate, but she couldn't read minds. Could she? Oh, god. If she can I'm screwed.

<Willow's POV>

I turned to Masky next. "Ooh hoo, Mr. Masky. That is some funny thoughts you have there." I giggled. I saw his fantasies about Hoodie and some were quite...graphic. "I'll spare you the embarrassment." He was clearly embarrassed. I telepathically laughed in his head, freaking him out. "She is fugging telepathic! She just spoke to me in my head!" I grinned. Maybe they weren't as mindless as I thought. Now Toby, the one I was looking forward to the most.

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