Chapter 2

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I woke up not knowing where I was. All I knew was pain. The area to the right of my intestine felt like red hot butter knives were being stabbed into me (butter knives may seem strange but I am pretty sure it would hurt like hell to have a blunt knife shoved into your body). Then the realization of what happened came crashing down on you and it was pain beyond anything physical. "Jae Jae Jae Jae Jae" I repeated her name over and over but it made no difference. She was gone forever. A nurse rushed in and embraced me. "There, there," she cooed, "it'll be alright dear." She didn't know. It would never be alright. The world was chaos without Jae. I, Will Jameson, was not to exist without my other half, Jaeger Winsten. I felt something strange inside myself. The nurse may have sensed something was wrong because she instantly released me. "I'm going to get the doctor," she said plainly. The doctor couldn't help me. I sat up and began removing the IV in my arm. A thin strip of blood slid down my arm and I licked it up. I had missed the taste of my blood. I remembered the last time I tasted my own blood.

(F/B) I was hid away in my second story room with the door locked and blocked. Now, no one could stop me. I would finally be free. I took apart the handheld pencil sharpener. I wished for a bigger blade, but it would be hard to explain what it was for. I sighed and went to work on my thighs. I carved beautiful pictures of all the ugly things. I moved to my stomach and "drew" some more. Finally, I was on my wrists. My arms were shaky so I knew I had to hurry. But the picture had to be perfect, or else I would still have some blood left. I licked the blade clean, the taste of metal filled my mouth. I shivered. Nothing could compare to the taste of blood, especially when it belongs to you. Outside the tree by your window is cracking and creaking. "Silly me, I thought it was my prince, come to save me." I returned my attention to my wrists. I began to slice a masterpiece in my left wrist. I was very dizzy and lightheaded once I finished, which was a good sign. One picture left and then I'm free. I pondered the design when, CRASH. My window shattered into my bedroom. Jae scrambled in, slicing her hands on the glass but not caring. She ran over to the door, unblocked and unlocked it, and screamed for my parents to call 911. After that she ran into the bathroom and came back with towels. "To stop the bleeding," she explained. I was too weak to protest and promptly passed out.

(F/B over)

I grabbed my blood stained clothes and threw them on. Just as the doctor entered I was out of the window. My room was only on the first floor because it was near the ambulance bay. I walked, because I couldn't run, into the nearby woods and didn't look back.

(A/N: Whoa! Some pretty serious stuff right there am I right? Anyway this chapter may trigger cutting and I do not want that. Please if you are ready this do not make those pictures. It is not worth it. You will grow up to be a successful, gorgeous girl or very handsome boy. And don't ever give up because people like me will always be here for you. Heart heart kiss kiss. So this is Bunnie saying buh-byeeeee)

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