Chapter 12

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<Will's POV>

I wake up and look around. I'm in Toby's room. He is in the other bed in top of his blankets. I can see his small frame through his black T-shirt. I look around and see a digital clock. 6:27, typical me. Waking up at stupid early hours. Well, no use in staying here, other than Toby. I glance over at him. I have the urge to crawl in beside him and snuggle up to him for warmth. I want to feel his breath on my head and his hands on my waist. I shake my head. 'He hates you, remember?' I tell myself. I decide to find the kitchen and get some food, I'm starving.
I walking silently out of the room and down the stairs. I find the living room and make a turn off of there into what appears to be a dining room and from there...the glorious kitchen. I notice Masky and Ben are already up and eating, Masky cheesecake, Ben Cheerios. "Hi." I said surprised I didn't sound like a dying frog. "Hey." "Sup". I look in the pantries and see different options. I choose some pancake mix and get to work. I enjoy pancakes and waffles. By the time I have a decent sized stack done Toby has come downstairs. "M-morning." "Halloo, want some pancakes?" He smiled and said, "I l-love p-pancakes." That I understood. Mutual pancake love. I split my stack with him and begin to eat. We have sort of an unofficial race on who can finish the fastest. Toby won, but just barely, that boy can eat. I pretended to pout when he said, "W-wow y-you eat-r-really fast." I smiled and responded, "It's a gift." he laughed and it was a good sound. Like people could still have fun, even though Jae is gone. "So...what now?" "Now, you two will please step into my office." Slender suddenly had appear, and teleported away once he said that. "Talk about timing, huh." I grinned widely. I could enjoy myself here, without Jae. I never thought I would have thought that. Toby stood and started to where Slender's office was. I followed right behind. Toby knocked even though he was expecting us. A muffled, "enter," called back through the door. He turned the handle letting inside.

<Toby's POV>

Like always Slender was sitting behind his desk. "Hello, children," he began, "I believe, Will, that I told you I wanted you to be a proxy of mine, did I not?" She nodded yes. "Well, I believe for you to become a proxy, you must train. That is why I asked you here, Toby. You will you train her." I gulped and nodded. I didn't want to accidentally trigger Willow during training, the result would be...I don't even want to think about it. "You worry about her other side, her dark side so to speak. Worry not, for I shall be watching the combat training just in case of...mishap." "O-ok." How did he know I was worried? You know, it probably showed on my face. "For now you will start with stealth and control. We cannot have her making a racket and randomly becoming murderous." Slender spoke to me again. "N-no w-we c-can't." "Start Will's training tomorrow." "O-ok." I was still nervous about her training. She might have certain triggers that set her off that I don't know about. I looked over to her. She appeared to be day dreaming. Suddenly, I found myself observing her face. It was beautiful. It had a sort of elvish look to it, and sure enough, she had slightly pointed ear poking out from under her hair. Beautiful. She is an angel, and I was going to spend a lot of time with her. Alone. No. Stop. I can not think like this. She is, well will be, a proxy. I can't love another proxy. She turns her head and sees my eyes on her and looks down. She did the same thing when she first got here. I guess she didn't like attention. "Now, off you go, I have work to do." Will and I both stood and walked out of the office. "So we have like a free day today?" She now was speaking which was a good sign, "Y-yeah, we don't r-really have anything t-to do." She smiled wide and said devilishly, "Let's mess with people." Oh yeah this was my type of girl, a pancake eating trouble maker. "Yeah, let's d-do it." "Who should we mess with?" "W-well my usual t-target is Masky." "Well, we can't stray from tradition, now can we." She was smiling so wide it rivaled that of Jeff's smile. "N-no we can't." My neck cracked with excitement. How should we do it? She must have read my mind because not a second later she whispered a plan in my ear. Oh, yeah, this girl was diabolical. I smiled hard.

(A/N: hai I just wanted to apologize if my chapters are too long because I don't really pay attention to the length. If I did I would probably get a lot more chapters done a lot faster. This is Bunnie, saying buh-byeeeee)

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