Chapter 1

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"Hurry your hide, Will! We have to get going, we are going to be late for the party!" Jae was yelling at me from the base of my stairs. "I'm on my way down, just hold up a minute." "Okay!" We have conversations in that way quite often. I finish straightening my medium length, dark brown hair and slide down the banister on my steps. "I'm here now, our lives can begin!" Jae cracked a smile at my remark and replied, "Let's go, slow-poke." We walked to Jae's red corvette and hopped inside. "Hey, Jae?" "Yeah, Will?" "I don't mean to alarm you, but something doesn't feel right." I don't know how to explain it, but I just knew something bad was going to happen. Jae frowned at me and said, "You just feel that way because you don't want to go." I shrugged at her and went back to thinking. She started the engine and pulled out of the drive way to our apartment.

———-a little time skip———-

We were driving on side road by a small lake. I loved the willow trees, they were one of the the reasons I wanted to live here. I returned my attention to the road. Suddenly, everything tensed up and I screamed for Jae to stop. I was too late for her to do anything. A large SUV came barreling down the road, the driver obviously drunk, with no headlights. The SUV rammed into us at full speed. Our corvette was launched off the road into a willow. Since Jae and I never wore seat belt, we were thrown from the car. Our limp bodies were thrown into some short branches. I felt pain in my abdomen and warmth spread over my torso. I looked at my stomach and almost blacked out. Impaled in my stomach was a sharp branch. I tore my eyes away from the ghastly sight to find Jae. I stifled as yelp when I saw what had once been my best friend. She had definitely gotten the worst of the situation. I counted eight........nine branches in her. Seven of them were in her legs and torso, no fatal wounds. The eight went.....went....went through where I think her heart is. I shook my head. No it is only in her chest. The ninth. The ninth stick was stabbed eye. Impaled in her eye was a long willow branch. I couldn't bear it. Before I lost consciousness I lost the contents of my stomach (well, what little I had in there. I had planned to eat at the party). The pain in my torso reach an unbearable point and my vision began to fade. The last thing I heard was Jae's last breath and sirens in the distance.

(A/N: This is the first chapter so I would love to know what any readers think, despite how few of you there may be so yeah. This is Bunnie saying buh-byeeee!)

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