Chapter 10

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I looked at him. I went exploring in his mind. Everything was so jumbled, I feel like he was doing this at will. Haha. At will. I made a pun on accident. Ha. "Why are you jumbling your thoughts? What are you hiding?" I tried to get in his mind again but it was no better, if anything it was worse. "I-I don't n-need you p-poking a-around in m-my mind." He didn't want me to know how he thought. Very smart of him. I may have been right to judge him. "Oh joy. I'm being abducted. Aaahhhh, I'm scared." Slender, as if on cue, teleported behind me grabbed me with his tentacles, grabbed his proxies and teleported away. For a moment nothing happened, the I was somewhere else. At a mansion, Slendermansion to be exact. "Nice digs, Slendy." I smiled wickedly. He could steal me away, but he didn't have to like me. "Silence child." Yup, I made him mad. Mission accomplished.

<Toby's POV>

She made him mad. She made a pleased smile. "Welcome to the Slendermansion Willow." Masky tried to lighten the tension a bit. It didn't help. "Oh, it's a pleasure to be here Mr. Masky. Simply divine." I decided she was bipolar or at least split personalitied (A/N: I don't think that's a word but you understand what I'm saying). This was one personality, her killer one. The other was Will, the innocent one. "S-so W-W-Will?" She turned to me. "Yea?" I had her attention now what? "W-w-well...why d-did y-you make Slender m-mad?" She sighed and then spoke, "I'm not entirely sure. It felt like a goal," she shrugged, "I don't know what went through my mind before I said anything." I looked at her. Willow confused me, while Will made some sense. This girl is confusing. Slenderman had disappeared into the mansion, probably to warn the others. Willow still had her wings. They started out as jet black but now they look more silverish and getting lighter by the second. Maybe this was a sign she was turning back into Will. Her eyes trailed to my goggles and followed my gaze onto her wings. She extended her feathered wings until they were straight out. They were even lighter now. I imagined her with pure white wings, she looked like an angel. gave me a strange look. I realized she was reading my mind and she probably saw the image of her angel self. My face got heated and I saw her gaze move to my cheeks. She saw my blush. This caused me to get redder when Maskie asked, "Whatcha blushy about Toby?" I glared at him. This was payback for annoying him. "N-nothing." "Oh yeah Toby, that's totally believable." Now he is using sarcasm. I need to think of something fast. "What were you thinking about when Will read your mind? She said it was embarrassing." Now it was his turn to blush (his ears turned pink when he gets embarrassed). "None of you business," he snapped, "May I ask why you wouldn't let her read your mind?" "I wouldn't let her because I didn't want anything about me shared." We were snarling at each other now and the air was tense. I was ready to attack him.

<Will's POV>

They were about to fight. Toby was thinking about attacking and Maskie was thinking about his chances at winning. I had to do something before it got out of hand. I stepped between the two as did Hoodie. "Listen," I said calmly, "You both have your secrets and you need to respect that. My powers are a gift and a curse. Secrets tear apart relations and poison friendships. Don't let this spoil your friendship." I pull this little speech out of nowhere but it seemed to do the trick. Their thoughts calmed down and they both backed down. I sighed in relief. A feather fell from my black...white? My wings were now pure white, like that image that was in Toby's head. I was an angel. Slenderman came out of the mansion and towards us. "Will, is it?" He questioned. I nodded and he said, "Very well the others wish to greet you. You are to follow me." This was a command, not a request.
When I first stepped into the mansion I couldn't help but gasp. This place was wonderful. I can't even begin to explain it. We rounded a bend a I saw a group of strange characters in a sort of living room. They were on couches and chairs positioned towards the TV but they all turned to see me. I looked down, uncomfortable with all the attention. "This child is Will. You are not to harm her in any way or I will-" What would do we never found out because at that moment a pale man with his mouth cut into a smile with no eyelids came behind me and startled me. Well, I don't like being startled. I unsheathed my axe and in one fluid motion I had him pinned to the wall by the area where the dual blades meet. He was flailing pointless to try and escape but ultimately failing. "Sorry..." I mumbled, "I didn't mean to break the wall." The man at the end of my axe seemed upset when I said this because he said, "Listen here you red-winged she-devil, you do not want to mess with me." Huh, my wings were now, in fact, red. I guess they're like a mood ring that is super obvious. "Oh yes, I am terrified of the man pinned to a wall." I summoned a knife and slide it across his cheek. "I am a big girl I can handle myself." I smirked at his bewildered face and got rid of the knife. I removed my axe from the wall and used my powers to repair it. Now, if it was possible, even more attention had been drawn to me. I blushed hard and the color rose up my neck. "'m yeah." I am bad at talking to people I don't know. Masky now spoke up, "Don't make her upset, because if you thought that little stunt was crazy, you have never seen Willow Wisp in action." He shivered a bit and continued, "No offense Will, but it absolutely terrifying and that's coming from me." The other people in the room seemed to be sizing me up. Finally, a young looking boy, who resembled Link, piped up, "Hi Will, I'm Ben Drowned, but you can just call me Ben." I smiled at him, happy for at least one possible friend. "Well, Will certainly needs her sleep, so we need to get her a room. Who is she to share with?" Share? Oh dear. Every time I have "shared" a room, my roommate has died fairly close after I began to live with them. First Melanie (my sister), then Jae. I miss Jae so much. I wish she were still here. Right now we would be asleep on the couch "watching" a movie. But instead I'm in a mansion with a bunch of, what looked to be, killers. Of course now I belong here. I killed three people so gruesomely that it unnerved Masky.

(A/N: sorry about the abrupt end I just realized how long this was, lol, sorry)

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