Chapter 11

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"Who is she to room with?" Slenderman repeated. Everyone made an indistinct mutter about how they already had a roommate. Finally, out of all the people, Toby spoke up, "I h-have an extra b-b-bed f-for her." I smiled at him slightly. I probably disgusted him. Ah, well. That's just the way my life goes. "Thank you Toby, since no one else volunteered she will be put into your room." Slender said this with such finality that no one could possibly try to argue, that is if they wanted to.

<Toby's POV>

Will was going to be staying in my room. I don't know why I volunteered. She probably thinks I'm a loser, with my twitching, lack of feeling, and my stupid stutter. Ah, well. She will just have to put up with me. I make to the stairs so I can tidy up a bit before she comes in but she follows me. I realize she I going to go straight into my mess of a room. Oh joy.
I walked up the stairs with Will in pursuit and went into the third door on the right. Home, sweet home. I went to the extra bed and moved some junk off of it and grabbed some fresh sheets from the linen closet in the hall. Will walks around looking at my stuff as I struggle with the bed. She stops at my bed and sits on the edge of it. She bows her head and appears to be deep in thought. I shrug it off. She is probably just adjusting. I finish the bed when I realized I don't have a pillow for her. "S-stay here I-I am g-g-going t-to get a p-pillow." She nodded to show she heard and I walked out. I will ask Masky for a pillow. He should have an extra lying around somewhere. I knock on his door and a quiet, "come in" comes from behind the door. "I j-just wanted to a-ask if y-y-you had an extra p-pillow for W-Will." He nodded and tossed me a pillow from his bed. I said my thanks and returned to my room.
Apparently, Will decided to tidy up for me. I checked my drawers to see that everything was in the right place. I tossed the pillow at her and said, "H-here's your pillow." "Thanks." she said, just barely audible. She stood and moved to her bed and promptly fell asleep once on it. I sighed and watched her for a bit. She twitched a lot in her sleep. She was moving nonstop. Sometimes her leg or hand twitched, others her muscles flexed randomly. It reminded me of my self. Huh, funny how that happens. Her wings move against her breathing as well. When she breathes in the contract and when she exhales the flutter out, unlike her small stomach. I had the sudden urge to crawl behind her and sleep with her. Not have sex, just sleep. Like friends could do. I shake my head. We are not friends, you don't even know her, I tell myself. I take of my hoodie and throw on some more comfortable pants and crash on my own bed, all alone. Like always.

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