Chapter 14

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I laughed a little and he looked back up at me. "What's so funny he?" He asked this sounding slightly hurt. "Them. They want us to start hooking up in this tree. I'm deathly afraid of heights and can't even move right now, let alone kiss anyone." "B-but you can fly?" He seemed surprised by my answer. "Yeah, an unfortunate gift. But my wings were hurt in the dog pile so I can't fly right now." I felt like I was telling an enemy exactly what my weaknesses are. He considered me and moved closer to me. "If you fall, I'll catch you." I was practically on his lap, how close he was. I actually feel pleased. He looked down then laced an arm around my waist, actually putting me on his lap. I was blushing so far up my neck it reached my cheeks. Toby pinched them and said, "You're cute when you blush." He looked horrified at what he just said and I blushed harder, my ears turning pink.

<Toby's POV>

I can't believe I just said that. She was blushing even harder now. I think I just blew my shot. She turned her body so she sideways on my lap so she was able to see me better. Her hands reached towards my face and I almost flinched away. I don't allow people to touch my mask. But I needed her. Her soft hands brushed against my cheek as she removed my mouth guard. Her hands rose to my goggles and mine rose to her's. She tensed slightly but didn't flinch away. I got her goggles off and helped her take off my own. I hadn't seen the world not orange for a while now. I looked at the angel on my lap. Her wing were whiter than snow and softer than clouds. Her elvish face was anxious, as if waiting for my response. I said the only word that explained her. "Beautiful." She looked down embarrassed. I took my hand and placed it under her jaw and gently push her head up. Our faces were only inches apart and I could feel her soft anxious breaths on my lips. I smiled and she closed the space between us. I heard whistles from below but I didn't care. I had her. She was mine and I was hers. She turned and faced me, her legs wrapped around my waist. I licked her lips begging for entrance. Her lips as if on cue, parted slightly. My tongue went into her mouth. She tasted like cinnamon and pancakes. In turn her tongue enter my mouth. This was wonderful. No words just love. We broke for air, the the branch cracked. Will opened her wings. She couldn't fly, but she could slow the fall. She wrapped her arms around my chest tightly. Once the branch broke she launched downwards in a controlled glide. She dropped me a foot from the ground and her wings collapsed. I rushed over to see I she was okay. She smiled at me and pressed my goggles and face mask into my hands. I nodded and put them on before the others came. I replaced her goggles as well. I spread her wings out as far as they could go and examined them. I knew nothing about wings but I wanted to help. "Hey, need any help?" Masky was at my shoulder. "Yeah can you send someone to get Slender?" "On it." He stepped away and talked to E.J. He obviously asked him to tell Slender because he was pointing at the mansion. E.J. reluctantly ran towards the mansion. Masky returned to my side and Hoodie was now there's well. Will seemed to have passed out, probably from the pain. "Well, what can we do?" Hoodie looked genuinely concerned about her. "I-I'm not s-sure." With Will unconscious my stutter returned. "We wait for Slender. It's the only thing we can do." "You're right Masky." After about a minute Slenderman teleported next to us holding E.J. by a tentacle. "Please give the child some space. Now tell me, what happened." Masky looked guilty so I covered for him. "She was climbing a tree when she injured her wings. She was scared and could move so I went up to get her. The branch we were on broke and she grabbed me and glided to the ground. Her wings collapsed mid-flight. It was a accident." Slender nodded and spoke, "She is not unconscious or asleep." No she was fine...just hurt a little. "S-she's-" "No. She is alive, just in a coma. Do not ask when she will rise. I am not certain. Now, come with me to your room." I followed him and the dangling body of Will inside. 'I just hope she is okay' I say to myself. 'I am fine.' I stopped. What just happened. 'It's me brown eyes. I can still use some of my powers while in this coma. Kinda cool, huh.' This is crazy. I trotted to catch up to Slender. Will is far more powerful than any of us could have imagined.

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