Chapter 3

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(A/N: I am going to try to keep my notes brief and not make a whole section about them so yea I just wanted to say that)

In my head, my thoughts were going a million miles per hour. I need to make things right, but how? Suddenly it hit me, I would make them pay with their life by putting them through what happened to us. If I came across a drunken person I would stab them ten times, one for me, nine for........her. I can't even think about her name it is too painful.
I am just now aware of a presence in the wood very near me. I scan the floor and then the trees. Spotting three boys watching me from the trees. I pretend to shrug it off and continue walking. What did these boys want? Couldn't they see you didn't want company right now? I sighed and spoke aloud, "Oh what a shame it would be if I were being watched right now, from those trees around me, by three strange boys." I heard one snicker so I decided to address him. "Who are you and why do you follow me?" I asked boldly. "My name is not important, but if you must know I am called Masky by most," the boy replied. "Hello Mr. Masky," I say curtly, "who are your friends?" I could plainly see these boys were small but strong and one of them had hatchets on his belt. "My friends are called Hoodie and Ticci Toby," the boy called Masky studied you silently after saying this. I turned to the other boy without the hatchets. "You are Hoodie, I presume?" The boy replied with a silent nod. Finally, turning to the third boy with the hatchets I said calmly so as to not show my fear, "You are Ticci Toby." "J-just call m-me T-Toby." "Okayyyy," I mentally made note of all their words and actions. Masky spoke up suddenly startling me saying, "So what is you name?" "Oh, um..." My name embarrasses me because it was meant for a boy not a girl, made for my dead twin brother. "Don't tell me you can't say your own name," Masky sneered. "I can say my name perfectly fine," I spat, "My name is Will." He stared at you for a moment and then said the classic line, "But your a girl." "I very well know that! I WAS NAMED FOR MY TWIN BROTHER WHO DIED AT BIRTH!"

(A/N: Whoa! Spastic cliff hanger because I couldn't make the paragraph long and was too lazy to start a new one so yea, this is Bunnie, saying buh-byeeeee)

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