Chapter 21

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I heard Toby crying and Slendy shuffling around, looking for a cure. I tried to lift my head with little success. I managed to lift it about and inch and then it fell and hit the desk with a thud. Slendy and Toby both noticed my movement and rushed to my side. Slendy spoke first. "Dear child, what happened?" "Willow. She froze me and dragged me to her realm. We fought for control of my body and I won. I can still see her lifeless form every time I close my eyes. I was so merciless that I split her skull with and axe and then sliced her in half with my battle axe." I could still feel the adrenaline pumping through my body. I peeked into Slendy's mind to see what he was thinking. He was worried. Well, why shouldn't he be. I just killed my alter-ego. My bad side. Now, I am laying on his desk, rambling about a vision I had while unconscious. "I believe you child. You have no reason to lie." I didn't really process that at first. "Wait, what?" Slendy laughed a little and said, "I believe you child." "Really?" I was surprised. If I was him, I would have thought I had gone mad. "Will." "Toby." Toby smiled at me and I saw just how upset he had been. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was blotchy red. I mustered my strength and sat up. The world spun quickly nearly causing me to pass out again. Once it stabilized, I got off of the desk and wrapped my arms around Toby and he did the same. "I love you Will." "I love you too Toby. Forever and always." Slendy looked at us. "Children," he began, "you two love each other, an I correct?" We both nodded. "Well then, you have my blessing." "Thanks Slenderman. That means a lot to me." Toby seemed thrilled at the idea of Slendy's blessing. I suppose his position as a proxy was at stake dating me, but now Slendy is perfectly okay with it. The office door opened and the other CreepyPasta came in. "What happened?" Ben was looking at us worriedly. "We're fine Ben, but thank you for your concern." "Where are your goggles?" "We didn't grab them because I was in the middle of being frozen to death by my own alter-ego." This silenced everyone. I must sound mental. "Willow Wisp? Did you kill her?" It was Jeff who broke the silence. "Yeah, I did." I looked down. I did not want to talk about it. The message seemed to have gotten across because no one pushed it. "So. How about some pancakes?" I snorted a little causing everyone to give me a funny look. "Seriously. Pancakes." "Okay Toby, let's get some pancakes." Toby hid his face as we walked past the pastas and made towards our room. "I am going to grab our goggles." I nodded and went to the kitchen to start the pancakes. Ben appeared at my side. "Hey Will?" "Yeah, Ben?" "I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would do without you." He blushed and hugged me. I hugged back and said, "Don't worry, it'll take more than a murderous alter-ego to get rid of me." He smiled and released me. Toby entered with his goggles and mask on and my goggles in his hand. "Here you go." "Thanks, love." I gave him a peck on the cheek and returned to cooking. I replaced my goggles on my face as I worked. After a few minutes, I had a mean stack of pancakes for us. "The pancakes, are served." I declared this and placed Toby's and my plates down. We ate our stacks in a matter of minutes and started chatting with the other pasta. I could get used to life here. I might even become a proxy. Life will be wonderful here as long as I'm with Toby. And I will make sure of that.


(A/N: yay! Anticlimactic ending for the win! So yeah. I didn't know how to really end this so I just did this. I might write a sequel, but I'm not sure yet. Be sure to tell me what you think. And as always, this is Bunnie saying buh-byeeeee!!!)

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