Chapter 18

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<Will's POV>

It was Masky. Thank god. Had it been Slender, or anyone else for the matter, we'd be dead. I knew Masky wouldn't sell us out because he needed me. "Um...sorry, but Slenderman told me to come find you and bring you back. He said he didn't want you out late. Or by the town." He looked at the ground. He was clearly embarrassed by catching us kissing. "Alrighty. Well, since you two can't fly I am going to carry you." "Are-are you s-sure? L-last t-time wasn't g-good." "I was injured, Toby, besides I have special mind powers and super strength. I can lift one million people! Mwahahahaha." I smirked. The didn't know if I was kidding. I kind of was and wasn't. I did have super strength but I couldn't carry a million people, I couldn't hold them all. I wrapped and arm around each, under their arms and took off. Toby seemed paralyzed and Masky yelled in fright.

-------a little time skip-------

We touched down in front of the mansion. The sun was just setting as we walked in the doors. Hoodie waved as we passed him. Toby went off to speak to Slendy about something, so I we t to Masky and Hoodie's room with Masky. He flopped down on his bed. "What's up, dude?" "Oh, nothing. It's just you and Toby are so easy with each other and my relationship doesn't even exist. Why is everything so hard for me?" I almost made a dirty joke but I decided against it. He didn't need that humor right now. "Hey, don't worry about it. If you want, I can see what Hoodie thinks of you." He perked up at this. "Really? Could you?" "Yeah, sure." I closed my eyes and concentrated. I didn't need to see the person, but it made it easier. After a bit I managed to get into his mind and feelings. I looked around a bit and saw Masky. (A/N: I'm imagining the minds as like a red area with screens showing memories and thoughts floating around. Just so you know.) I hopped into the thought and this is what Hoodie was thinking.

<Hoodie's memory>

'Hey, Masky. What's up? I kinda need to tell you something.' No that's not it. I need to be more passionate about it. 'Masky I need to tell you something about me. I really like you.' No, that's to forward. Augh, why is this so hard?

<Will's POV again>

I snapped back and looked at Masky. "I saw a recent memory of him and his feelings for you." "Really? What was it? How does he feel?" I didn't know if I should be sharing this. It's Hoodie's personal thoughts. Well, if I told Masky he would be confident enough to confess his feelings, but if I don't he will hate me. "Okay, I am going to tell you but you have to promise to tell him you don't know about it and I didn't tell you. Okay?" "Yeah, I won't tell him. How does he feel?" "I saw his memory of him in this room. He was looking in a mirror practicing saying something. This something was his feelings. He......" I faltered. Should I tell him? I have to, for our friendship. "He was confessing that he liked you." Masky's jaw dropped behind his mask. "Really? He likes me?" "Yeah, it certainly seems so." "Thanks Will. I am going to ask him in here to tell him how I feel." "Good for you, Masky. I'm proud." He opened the door to walk out just as Hoodie reached for the handle. "Oh! Hoodie. Hi. I actually was about to get you. I need to talk to you." "Okay, what's up Masky?" This was it. Little Masky was going to say it. "Well I wanted to tell tell you that...I..I...I like you. Like as more than a friend." Hoodie seemed relieved. "Oh, good. I like you that way too." They hugged and looked towards me. "Hey thanks, Will. I couldn't have done this without you." I smiled at Masky and said, "No problem. I would do it for anyone." They shooed me out of the room and I caught a glimpse of them removing their masks. They were cute together. I was glad they shared those feelings for each other. I wandered around aimlessly not paying attention to where I was going. I ran into someone and looked up to see who it was. It was Toby. "Hi Toby." "Hi love." He smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist, pulling me close. I took one of my hands to remove his mouth guard. I replaced it and moved towards him. Our lips moved in perfect harmony. It felt like tiny fireworks were erupting between us, thrilling but dangerous at the same time. Toby pulled away. "We should go up to our room." I nodded. This could get interesting.

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