Chapter 15

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<Will's POV>

I have never been in a coma before, but I never thought it would be like this. I strode alongside my body into the mansion. Somehow I knew I couldn't get too far from it. I discovered a new ability in the short time I've been like this. I can communicate telepathically. I told Toby that I was alright. I knew he got the message because he froze.
Now as I climb the stairs I figure out all I have to do to come back is touch my body. I don't know how or why I know that, I just know. I telepathically tell Toby that and he nods to show he understood. Being telepathic was cool. Slendy put me down on my bed, nodded, and left the room. Toby sat next to my body, holding my hand. I could feel the warmth in my phantom body and I reached out for my hand. (A/N: how often can you say that?) Just after I touched it the door was thrown open. The others poured into the room as I slipped back into my own skin. Ben seemed near tears. "She is going to come back because," he sniffled, "we want her to, right?" I wanted to scare the hell out of them. "That's not how it works, I'm afraid. We don't get what we want, we get what we need." Now was the time. "Aww, so cute. You need me." Toby, Ben, Masky, and Hoodie all tackled me with a hug. E.J. began to speak, "Um...I'm not entirely sure about that. I mean, you pretend to be in a coma? You just want attention. You are a sleazy who-" He was cut off suddenly by Toby punching his mouth. "Shut up," he said through gritted teeth, "I never want to hear you insult her again. Am I understood?" E.J. nodded solemnly. "I was in a coma. I just had complete control over the situation." "Why didn't you come back before? Like, right after it happened." Jeff had asked the question I didn't want to answer. "I didn't want a crowd." I mumbled. This was true. I hated being watched, it made me feel exposed. Speaking of which..."I need a shower. I am gross and need water. All of you need to leave right now." They all nodded and said their "byes" and "see ya' laters" and just Toby was left in the room. I got up and shut the door. "D-do you r-really n-need a shower?" He seemed to be blushing. "Yeah, I won't be long and I will dress in the bathroom."

<Toby's POV>

She needed a shower. This was my chance to do something romantic. Something to wow her. I looked around and sighed. Romance just wasn't me. "Toby?" Will stood in the door frame of the bathroom. Her right wrist was bloody. "Can you come in here for a moment?" "S-sure." I didn't know what she had in mind but I was sure it wasn't a shower. She closed and locked the door behind me. She looked down and spoke softly. "Toby, I want to tell you my story. And after, I want to here yours." I nodded and glanced at her bleeding wrist. "I'll explain in a bit. But first my story." She paused, breathed deeply, and started. "I was born November sixth. My family wasn't wealthy, but we weren't dirt poor, though pretty close to it. My parents constantly fought and my only escape was gymnastics. My sister and I went to Mrs. Todes Gymnast Trainery. That is where I met Jae. Her full name was Jaeger Winsten, mine is Will Jameson. My sister was killed walking home from her lessons. She was shot in an alley. Her funeral threw my family deeper into debt. We began selling our possessions, gaming consoles, computers, televisions. We were still behind. My parents blamed me. I needed to eat and use power and I was a waste of space. One night I decided enough was enough. I was seventeen. When Jae and I texted I said goodbye rather than goodnight. She immediately ran to my house. I didn't know it at the time though. I was locked away in my room and I took out my blade. I "drew" pictures on my thighs and lost a severe amount of blood. I then moved to my left wrist and made a masterpiece. Just as I was about to finish the job, Jae hopped into my window. She stopped my bleeding and got me to the hospital. After that I moved in with her. We lived together for about a year then, we got into an accident. This was the accident that killed her. I can't go into detail. But once I woke up in the hospital, I knew she was gone. Everything inside me snapped. She kept me sane, but now she was gone. No one could save me. I jumped out of the window and walked into the woods. That's where I met you, Masky, and Hoodie. And from there you know." Wow, she had a bad life. She had her family stolen by greed and murder, and her best friend stolen by an accident. "I lost my sister the way you lost Jae." The words left my lips before I knew what I was saying. I began my story. "I was born to an abusive dad and a loving sister. My father constantly abused us. One day Lyra decided to take me for a drive. (A/N: I think his sister's name is Lyra or something similar and I'm too lazy to check.) Our car swerved and we wrecked. Lyra died but I survived, physically. Mentally, I was dead. My sister was my savior and idol. In the state I was in, I killed my father and burned down my house. I ran away and Slenderman found me and made me one of his proxies. And that's really it." It was a huge weight off of my chest finally telling someone my story. I finally felt safe again.

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