Chapter 13

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We silently ran up the stairs, into our room. We grabbed what we needed and fine tuned the plan. It was perfect. The level of embarrassment was perfect and the skill required to pull it off is none to great, so it is very manageable. "Perfection." Will still had on her Cheshire grin. Let's do this I showed her where Masky's room was and went to distract him. If he came up to Will setting up the plan would ruined. Masky was now on the couch playing Super Smash Bros with Ben, on the GameCube. (A/N: I don't know if you ever played it on GameCube but it's awesome on there) He was losing because Ben kept using his power to go into the game and have Masky's character suicide. I went behind the couch and started poking Masky saying, "Hey Masky," with every poke. "What! What do you want!" "Hi." This always set him off. He chased me up the stairs and I lead him to the trap. Hopefully, it would be ready. At the door, I ducked and hurtled the tape at the bottom of the door frame. Masky, however, ran into the tape and fell forward from his momentum from the sudden decrease in speed. He fell into some wet pancake mix on the floor. His mattress fell on top of him pancaking him to the ground. He squirmed and tried to kill us but we were to busy laughing. Between harsh breaths Will wheezed, "I - love - pancakes!" This made us laugh even harder. Our loud laughing attracted attention and soon a crowd was gathered around. Will knelt down and got a handful of the pancake batter. "Here have a taste, Toby." She slapped the mix right onto my face. Oh It was on. I scooped up some batter and said, "Come here pancake girl!" We were having an all out pancake mix war when Will slipped and grabbed to stabilize herself. I was on the batter too, so we both fell, Will on top on me. She kissed my nose and simply said, "I love pancakes." I smiled. She was dorky but in a cute way. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. Masky had gotten free during our batter war and started singing, "Toby and Will, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the love, then come the marriage, then come the baby in the baby carriage." Everyone joined in and Will and I were stuck on the floor blushing like mad. Slender ended everything when he saw the mess. Will used her powers and with a flick of her hand everything was back to normal and Masky, Will, and I were no longer covered in batter. Slenderman still sent is outside like we were bad dogs. Will and I ran outside, Masky hot on our heels. I heard an, "oomph," and Will hit the ground. Masky was faster than her so he managed to tackle her. Masky shouted, "Dog pile!" Will was squirming a lot in an attempt to get free. Before she managed to free her wings, other CreepyPasta ran out and jumped on the pile, with smile dog on top. Haha dog pile. Haha puns. I knelt next to the smoshed Will and said, "Hi." She groaned and said, "They are heavy." I laughed. "Well yeah there is about seven people on top of you. oh course they're heavy." She was moving slightly and managed to free her wings. Masky shouted, "Run!" But it was too late. Will scooped up two people, one being Masky, the other being Jeff. They were saying some choice words in between demanding her to put them down. Even from where I stood I saw here shrug and drop them, making no effort to save them. Then suddenly, she pulled into a spectacular dive and grabbed them just inches from impact. "No dog piles. They're no fun for people with wings." Her wings did look quite ruffled. I walked over and stroked one out of impulse. It was so soft. Will giggled and asked, "What are you doing?" "Fixing your feathers." I said pointing to the ones facing the wrong direction. She shrugged and began to work on the other wing. After ten minutes, her feathers were straight and Masky and Jeff had said probably every curse in their vocabulary. Will rolled her eyes and ran to a tree. She jumped into it and began to climb. She's insane. Why is she climbing when she can fly. Then I noticed she was sheltering her wings. They were probably damaged. I looked up at her and Masky whispered in my ear, "Will and Toby sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the love, then comes the marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage." I punched him in the gut and he fell to the ground, winded. "Dork." He laughed painfully. "You love Will." "W-well, you l-love s-someone too." He looked nervous. "Ha you don't know anything." "I -Ido, W-Will told me." He looked panicked. "No, she said she wouldn't." "Relax s-she didn't t-tell me anything. Jeez, you w-would think y-your hiding a pancake f-from me or s-something." He faked a laugh and said, "Yeah..." What was he hiding. I really wanted to know. "W-what are y-you h-hiding?" He looked at me harshly. "None of your business." And he promptly marched away angrily. I looked up at Will and shouted, "Can you come down? I need to talking to you." "How 'bout you come up here." She was childish even here. I heard Jeff say something about her playing hard to get as I began to climb. She was at least thirty feet in the air, how was she not scared? I guess having wings makes you unafraid of falling.

<Will's POV>

I wasn't scared. I was petrified. He asked me to come down but I couldn't so I told him to climb up and he's actually doing it. He used his axes as handholds as he climbed. I expanded my wings a bit. They still hurt like hell. I think Toby might have noticed that I was in pain. He was about five feet away now but still climbing. He found a spot to sit next to me and asked, "What is Masky's secret? It's been driving me mad." Thats what he wanted to know? I gave a quick sigh of relief and said, "If I tell you, you can't give him a hard time about it, treat him any different, or even tell him you know. Am I understood?" He nodded yes with rapt attention. "Okay, he doesn't want anyone to know this...." I faltered. I didn't think I should be telling Toby this. It is an invasion of privacy. "Please tell me." he begged, "I won't say a word of it." I sighed and continued. "Masky has...he has a huge...a huge crush...on....on....on Hoodie." I clamped my mouth shut. I shouldn't have told him. I told Masky I wouldn't tell anyone. Toby's face looked surprised. But then he nodded, "Makes sense." He stated this so simply, I didn't know how to reply. He had attracted a crowd at the base of the tree. I pointed down and said, "I think they want us to do the song." I smirked and blushed, and Toby blushed and looked down embarrassed.

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