Chapter 16

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<Will's POV>

I processed all of what he said. We both lost the one closest to use in a car wreck. We grew up in horrible families. "Toby." I needed to be with him. I needed to feel his heat and smell his scent. "Yeah?" "C-can y-you...w-will y-you..." He gave a confused look under his goggles and mask. "Will I what?" I couldn't say it, but I had to. "W-will you....c-can I l-lay with y-you." He blushed and nodded. Toby took my hand and lead me to his bed. He laid down and I snuggled up next to him. I looked into his face and removed his goggles and mask. He did the same for me (but without the masks). We stared into each others eyes for a while and my eyes grew tired. I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me and a warm blanket on top of us. This was paradise.
I woke up because I was being watched. Whoever was watching me didn't know of my awakening. I turned slightly so I could hide my eyes and could see what was happening. I saw E.J., Jeff, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, and Slendy starring at us. Without alerting them to my awareness, I shake Toby awake. He is slightly less stealthy than I. Once he is awake, he sits up. "W-w-what is going on?" I roll my eyes and say, "We are obviously in trouble." I sit up and look at him. "That, you are." Slender seemed to be seething. Never had he seemed so mad while I was here. "Explain. Now." He seemed to lose some of his properness. Toby looked terrified so I spoke, "We were asleep. Nothing more, nothing less." "Obviously, but together? That doesn't seem too innocent, Willow." Slendy was trying to get me mad. A saw my wings in my peripheral vision. They were grey and slowly darkening. I took a deep breathe and left the warmth of the bed. "I am still pure, as is Toby. If you ask me to prove it, can't. But, what reason do I have to lie?" "Toby is pure? Ha." Masky seemed to find the whole affair funny. "Shut it. You are a virgin as well." He stopped talking as soon as I said that. I now looked at Slender and waited. " are on thin ice right now. I will let you off with a warning. But no more behavior like this. Understood?" We both nodded. "Supper is ready. Please go to the dining room." Toby stood and led me to the dining room. We sat next to each other. I had Ben to my left and Toby was at a corner. Slenderman served the food. It seemed to be different for everyone. Masky and Hoodie had cheesecake, Toby had pancakes, E.J. had what looked to be a kidney. Ben and I had regular foods, though I wasn't sure what his was. It looked like Ramen Noodles. (A/N: if you don't know what those are you don't know life.) Every eye seemed drawn to my plate. It was my favorite meal. Sometimes my mom made it, though it was rare because I was the only one who liked it. I hesitantly took a bite. It was as good as I remember. I took time to eat so as to not gorge myself. I finish, not fast, but not slow. People slowly filtered out of the room to do something else. Ben invited me to play Super Smash Bros on his GameCube so I left with him, leaving only the proxies and Slender in the room.
I went Ben's room and sat next to him on the floor. We began to play Super Smash Bros. We chose our characters, him Link, me Jigglypuff. This may seem weird but Jigglypuff is my lucky character. We started a fight and Ben went into the game and controlled his character. Two could play at that game. I used my powers (they are awesome and can do pretty much anything) to hop into the game. Ben was surprised. "How did you do that?" "Magic." I said this and made myself do jazz hands. "Alright then, get ready to get beaten. The round started and he came at me with a sword. I jumped, last second, over him and kicked him off the platform. He tried to jump back, but he failed. I was already ahead. After I smashed him with a hammer, sliced him with a sword, and threw a Pokeball at him, the round was over. I had taken no damage and won as Jigglypuff. We both hopped out of the game and hugged. It was awesome having a skilled friend at video games. Masky walked in and said, "Hey Will, can I talk to you for a second? In private?" I nodded I walked into the hallway with him, into his room. "Will, I need your help. I can't ask anyone else because you're the only one who knows." "Want want to tell Ho-" He shushed me. "Yes, but I don't want anyone to know. I want it to be special, but I don't think I'm capable of that anymore." I nodded. "I'll help you. Fair warning, I am bad at romance." He laughed and said, "Really? You and Toby seem to be doing great." I pretended to gasp. "Well I never. You are not to speak those words ever again." I said this in a British accent so he knew I was joking. I saw his mask lift a little and I knew he was smiling. "I need time to think about what to do. At the end of the week, we will get together and talk about ideas, okay?" "Yeah, I just hope this works. I really like him." I smiled, "I know. I will try not to let you down." I walked out of the room. I needed a quiet place to think. It was time for a bit of exploring.

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