Chapter 19

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(A/N: this chapter contains a little inappropriate things. So yeah, if you don't like that skip this chapter. This is kinda weird to write because I'm young and people I know have read or will read this. So yeah. Weird.)

<Toby's POV>

We practically ran to our room. This was it. Things were about to get very serious. I picked up Will's small frame and laid her on my bed. I locked the door and then positioned myself on top of her. Once more, our lips collided and the fireworks were set off. Thrilling, but dangerous. I removed my hoodie and shirt and ran my gloved hands up Will's back. She shivered slightly at my touch. I pulled her shirt off. I removed my gloves and ran my fingers down her pale chest and stomach. I saw the wound where she had so recently been impaled by a willow tree. Her skinny hands slid down the length of my chest and to my belt. Her fingers cleverly undid my belt buckle and my pants fell to my ankles. Will kicked her own shorts off. Now the only thing between us was our under clothes. I laid on top of her and flipped over so she was on top of me. She was shivering a lot and had goose bumps all over her body. She was cold. I slid her up on myself and kissed along her chest. My hands worked their way up her back and found the clasp to her bra and unfastened it. She folded her arms across her chest. "Why are suddenly afraid to show yourself? If you don't want to do this we don't have to." I really wanted this but I wasn't about to force it upon her. "No, I want to its just...I'm not sure. I just feel exposed." What does she mean? She said she wants this but she feels exposed. What is that supposed to mean? I must have made a face because she laughed. "I am confusing, aren't I?" I nodded. This made her laugh harder. "Don't worry, make this less confusing." She uncrossed her arms and dropped her underwear. "Stunning." I whispered. She blushed and looked down. I held her face in my hand. "You are amazing. You are beautiful, and kind, and an all out lovely person." She kissed me so passionately something happened. Something kind of embarrassing. We both started blushing fiercely.

<Will's POV>

Oh my god. I gave him an erection. When I kissed him I felt it. We were both blushing super hard. "Um..." He didn't know what to say. I didn't either. Here I was naked, on top of a boy with an erection through his underwear. (A/N: eugh this is hard to write. But I forgot to mention before that they removed their goggles. My mind does that sometimes. I skip over details I deem small but they kinda matter. So yeah sorry about that byee.) "I'm going to go get rid of it." Toby said gesturing to his pants. I smiled and said, "Okay." He walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I covered myself in his blankets, I was freezing. Toby returned a minute later, still blushing a deep shade of red. He saw me under his blankets and crawled in with me. I felt his arm briefly touch me while he struggled to remove his boxers. He successfully removed his boxers and settle in pressed against my body, our faces together. He kissed me gently and caressed my back with his soft hands. I shivered slightly, I still cold. It seemed to be getting worse instead of getting better. "T-T-Toby," is started through chattering teeth, "I am r-r-really c-c-cold. An-and I d-don't kn-kn-know wh-h-why." My body seemed to be consumed by the chill. "Will, you're freezing cold. What's happening to you." I was shaking to fiercely to answer. I could feel the flow of my blood slowing, it was starting to freeze. "T-T-Toby I n-n-n-need help. B-blood f-freezing." His eyes widened. "O-okay!" He started to dress himself and me. The clothes made me no warmer and I started to cry, only tears didn't fall, ice did. My body was so cold that my hot, salty tears turn to ice instantly. Some fell off of my face and others froze to it. I started to feel faint from lack of blood flow. Toby didn't even bother replacing our goggles and his Mitch guard. Her picked me up bridal style and carried me quickly to Slender's office.

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