Chapter 4

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I glared at all of them, daring them to say another word. Though I heard no insults, I heard a faint stutter, "S-s-sorry." The dangerous looking boy who I had once feared looked quite timid now. I calmed down and addressed the goggle clad boy, "What do you boys want from me?" My mind hurt from thinking. I knew these boys from somewhere, I just couldn't remember where. it was Masky who replied, much to my dismay, "Well, we were sent to stalk you to see if you were worthy." "Well that truly explains everything. If you are going to give me a vague answer, don't give an answer at all!" I was ticked off. The number one thing both Jae and I hated were vague answers. We were always quite blunt. The boys looked at each other, seemingly having a silent argument with one another. It looked as though Hoodie and Toby were on the same side which upset Masky.
"I don't have time for this," I said and made to leave, but suddenly I was pinned to the ground by at least two of the boys. "Got off of me you heavy weirdos!" They laughed and took some weight off of you. Big mistake. For them. The two nearest were Masky and Hoodie. Quite unfortunate for them. They both got a little kick where the sun doesn't shine and I scrambled to my feet. Toby, however, made no move toward you and even held up his hands in defeat. "N-no need t-to f-fight me." He had a point but I didn't trust him. Not bothering to step other Masky and Hoodie I approached him and simply said, "Give me the hatchets." Apparently Masky and Hoodie thought this a big deal because they gasped in unison, which earned them both a fresh kick. Toby seemed torn on what to do. He seemed attached to the axes on his belt and didn't want to give them up.
I looked into his face to try to read into his thoughts, which happened to be a specialty of yours. He wore a cloth mouth guard and orange goggles. He had jaw-length brown hair. It looked so soft...whoa what was that? I think that was feelings. Nope! Feelings are bad, I don't have any. No thank you sir, I do not want any attachment to this axe man.
I must have made some strange faces as that ran through my head because he now gave me a slight smile under his face guard. He took the hatchets off his belt and handed them to me saying, "B-be c-c-careful with th-those." I nodded taking the hatchets. I hadn't expected to receive them. I attached them to my own belt and look down at Masky and Hoodie still on the floor. "Now I think I deserve some answers, please and thank you." I smirked at them and waited. I had the time, all the time I could ever need. Hoodie spoke, but very faintly, "We are Slenderman's proxies. We are CreepyPasta. And we were sent to......" he lowered his voice even more, "to stalk you to see if you could be one."
I sat back on my feet processing the information. I decided to not accept what he had said. "Nope, no thank you. I will just be on my way I have some business to attend to at the nearest bar." I stood quickly and ran to the banks of the lake. I used Toby's axes to cut thirty sharp sticks off of some willow trees. Quickly running to the nearest bar I spotted a perfect opportunity. Some teenagers were getting drunk. Three of them. Ten sticks to each. I smiled devilishly. Oh this would be fun.

(A/N: Will needs to calm down a bit am I right? So yeah, I am not sure how this is going so I would love feed back and also I am using my phone to write this so autocorrect is basically screaming at me so some words are probably wrong so yea this is Bunnie, saying buh-byeeeee)

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