Chapter 31: Final; Goodbye

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"Is that so..." Hitomi flashed a small smile, then bended down and held both of Wonyoung arms and helped her stand up. "Right now, Chaewon brought her at the top of the waterfall."

This made Wonyoung rounded her eyes. "W-why would she be—" but stopped, widening her eyes more open when she realized.

That rock..?

"Yes, just like what you think. Now go before she.... leaves."

Wonyoung was running her way towards a path she knew leads to the said waterfall. Her legs have already tired out from climbing the high hill, yet she don't want to give in. She's feeling so guilty and regretful right now that her tears won't stop flowing.

If only... If only she didn't say those things then Yujin might not have to go through this pain.

"Don't leave yet, human.. please," She cried, wiping away her tear with her forearm as it only gave her a sight of blur.

The sun have already started setting, and it scared her more knowing it might be too late if the sun sets completely. She might never see Yujin again.

So she quickened her pace, only to fall on her knees when her foot stumbled upon a root of one tree she failed to notice. But she's desperate, so she crawled herself back up and run again.

At the very peak of the waterfall, sitting on the rock that's placed on the very top along with the heavily flowing water, Yujin can be seen sitting in the middle. She's blankly staring at the sun that started setting, it turned vibrant colors of orange and reddish hues of the skies.

Seeing such beautiful scenery made her smile...

"If only endings are as beautiful as the sunset..." She whispered, heart only breaking more. "Oh... the 'Tale of the Lonely Bunny' has a beautiful one," She bowed her head, yet no more tear fell. It was as if her eyes have already dried down. She smiled again, this time full of bitterness and pain, "It's just that I'm not part of it."

She then saw glimpsed of her own hand, afterwards raising them up to see a huge cut across her palm. "Oh..? It must've been from holding Kai's sword." She told herself, utterly disappointed as she failed to notice that she actually have a wound.

But she didn't feel anything.

Could she have grew numb...? Her heartbreak already hurts enough after all to feel anything else.

She then let her hand fall to the water beside her, now her blood came running along the water too. Down to the very bottom where the waterfall reached, roaring like thunder. She take a look below her, after then flashed another bitter smile.

When suddenly she heard a voice, "Human!" But it was too feint that Yujin heard it as almost a whisper.

She raised her head to look at the setting sun, "I can even hear your voice from up here. I really must be crazy," she chuckled at herself.

But she heard it again, and this time more louder, "Get off from there human!!"

"Oh... it might be her," She turned around, and indeed it was Wonyoung. Seeing the bunny made her flash a small smile. "It's you," she giggled with forced voice almost cracking.

The bunny stopped, thankful that she reached in time, but frowned upon seeing Yujin seated at the very middle of the running water, right at the very edge on a very vulnerable rock she's sitting over. It made Wonyoung nervous knowing it may give up any moment now and might cause Yujin's fall, "Get off, please," Wonyoung begged with tears.

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