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+:。.。When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.。.。:+

13th October, 2012

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13th October, 2012

9:00 pm
After school, at home.

I was at home, when the boys scout called me, and Namjoon spoke, "Jimin, are you ready? Remember we have to do the dare."

I almost forgot about the dare. "yeah, I'm ready, are you guys coming to my house?"

"yes, we'll be there in 2 minutes.", said Namjoon.

I wore my shoes, and waited for them to come. After 2 minutes, i heard the bell ring, and went to open the door, and saw Taehyung, he said "let's go!" and held my hand, taking me out to the car. I said hey to all of them, and we drove to the cemetery, it was so dark, and it felt unusual, i had this gut feeling that made me scared to go there. I held on Taehyung's hand tightly, he knows that I'm scared of the darkness and ghosts, since we've been friends since childhood. He's like my brother.

"It's okay, jiminie, nothing will happen", spoke taehyung, and i gave him a smile, and ruffled his hair.

We reached, but i didn't wanna go out, I was scared.


We finally reached the cemetery, and we got out of the car, but Jimin kept whining that he doesn't wanna go there. Jin and taehyung told him that they'll protect him, and he finally listened and came out.

As soon as i went inside the gate, Darkness drenched the cemetery, it felt unusually chilly, even though, it was summer. I was feeling odd, so I asked the other members.

"Do you guys feel chilly too?"

"yes, it's so odd." Namjoon spoke.

"yeah, i feel scared.." Jimin said.

"it's okay, Jiminie" Jungkook said to him.

We looked at the graves of the dead people there, the Graves were really dusty, and dying flowers blooming near the Graves. We walked more being careful to not get too near the graves, and then..

i saw my sister's grave..


I missed her so much, she passed away 1 year ago.. She got murdered brutally, chopped in half. By the time we found her body, she couldn't be saved..

I recalled as tears formed in my eyes, trying to hold them back, I looked away from the graves to see J-hope looking at me.

"Are you okay..?" asked J-hope, he knew what had happend, and that it was my sister's grave.

"I'm fine.." i replied.

I don't know why..but..

I felt an unknown presence with us, even tho it was only the 7 seven of us..

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