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+:。.。When someone gets saved from a ghost, the person who saved them dies。.。:+

7:00 am☾︎Taehyung☽︎

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7:00 am

The nurse came in with the food, and put it on the small table near the bed.

"if you need anything else, call me. The doctor said you're a special patient, so if you want something better to eat, tell me." the nurse said.

I looked at the plate and saw ramen with tteboki. MY FAVORITE!

I said, "no it's okay, i don't want anything else."

She nodded and left the room.

I started eating, but then i remembered, it's heseok's favorite too..I hope he regrets what he did, i hope he never gets to eat ramen with tteboki.

The nurse came in, and said there's someone to visit me.

Huh? Who would visit me, I'm pretty sure my friends don't know I'm here.

I nodded, and he came in.

"hey, are you feeling okay? Does your head hurt?" he asked.

"I'm okay, and no, it doesn't hurt, who are you?" i asked, while observing him. He had puffy red eyes, did he cry?

"I'm Akihito, nice to meet you.." he said.

"oh, nice to meet you too, I'm taehyu-" i got cut off

"i know you're taehyung"

"how do you know me?" i asked.

"well, Me and my brother, Akihiko, were near the cemetery, when we saw you getting dragged, our parents have told us that the Ghosts there take revenge from people and take them to a secret room, only our parents knew about the secret room, because they've lived here for a long time. So me and Akihiko went to the secret place, and we saw you there, and someone in a red dress. As soon as she was about to kill you...

Akihiko came in between, and she instead killed my brother." he said, while he was trying not to cry.

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