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+:。.。You made someone die.。.。:+


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I stared at him in shock... He saved me?

I went to him, and hugged him.

"i I'm so sorry, i didn't know he saved me.." i said to him.

"it's okay.." he replied.

"thank you so much for saving me.."

"your welcome, but have you been okay? You haven't been seeing her alot, right?", he asked.

"I'm okay, but I keep hallucinating and seeing Ji-eun everywhere."-me

"oh okay, wait here, I'll be back!" he replied.

I sat on the bed, with tears falling down my face, i can't believe someone died for me..

Just then, he came back with the doctor, right, it was 8 am.

He waved at me and left the room while the doctor took my tests, i asked him," why am i an special patient?"

"because, you're Akihito's friend."

"what about it?" i asked.

"He's the son of the mayor of South Korea."

"Oh, i didn't know that" i replied.

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