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+:。.。What else is left to happen?。.。:+


After some miserable time of crying, the nurse came in, and told us Taehyung is okay and woke up, we went to his room, and jungkook quickly went to hug him lightly, Taehyung couldn't move alot, because of his shoulder, so he lightly patted Jungkook's back.

I told Jungkook not to tell Taehyung that Hobi hyung died so fastly, or Taehyung's mental illness will get even more bad.

We stayed with Taehyung, and talked to him trying not to cry. Just then, Jin hyung called me, sounding really scared.

☾︎Back with the other boys☽︎

Jin and the others were at his house, they tried calling Taehyung, jungkook, jimin and J-hope, but they didn't attend, nor did they come, they were all having fun, until the lights went out, they tried opening it, and went to the light generater, and checked it, the wires were completely fine, and nothing was wrong with it.

They lit up some candles, and waited for the lights to come back, but the candles got blown out, "which one of yall did it?", Jin asked.

"not me", they all said.

"me.", someone said, the voice sounded like a girl.

"Wtf", said Namjoon.

"who's that?", asked Yoongi.

"i don't know", replied Jin.

"Brother, you don't remember me?", the girl said sounding like she's crying.

"Wtf, who brother?", said Yoongi.

"y-you, Brother." she said, and sniffed, "i can't believe you don't remember me..".

Yoongi kept silent, and after some time, he muttered, "J-ji-eun?".

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