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+:。.。You're not okay.。.。:+


I went in the café while he sat on the bench, and bought 2 coffees and his favorite cupcake,and went to him, i drank my coffee, while he ate his cake and drank his coffee while putting his head on my shoulder.

After we were done, i told him to stay there, and went to a gift shop, and bought a cute customizable teddy bear, i added my voice in it, saying, "I want you to be your light,You should be your light,So that you won't be in pain, So you can smile. I want you to be your night, You could be your night, I'm always here for you, Taehyung!".

I put it in the shopper and went to him, "what's that, jiminie?", he asked.

"Secret!" i replied, he smiled and we went back to the hospital.

I told him i had to leave because of the other members, but I'll come back, i gave him the shopper with the teddy bear in it, and told him to put it next to him, and listen to it when he's scared or misses me.

He got so happy, and hugged me tightly, and thanked me, saying it's cute. He's like a small brother to me, I've known him since childhood, he's always the goofy, cute type, and even after going through all this, he's still smiling.. I feel bad for him.

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