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+:。.。Death Has Come To you, heseok。.。:+


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We were worried, after seeing taehyung's message. Taehyung stopped replying after telling us who's he with.

"he's in danger! We have to save hi-",jimin cried out,but got cut off, when we saw..

Taehyung coming towards us with an serious face.

"sorry for worrying you, hyungs, i was pranking you.", said Taehyung.

"seriously taehyung?! Do you know how fricking worried we were?!", i said.

Jimin ran up to Taehyung and hugged him tightly, "you worried me!", he shouted at taehyung.

"Sorry.", replied Taehyung coldly.

We all decided to go to J-hope's house and stay the night there, because the other's houses were far.

We went in his house, and ate dinner that he cooked for us. Ramen, the usual.

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