
250 19 13

+:。.。Forget the future,Forget the past. Life is over, Breathe your last。.。:+


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Can we go home NOW, Hobi Hyung?" I asked.

"yes please, let's go home." he replied.

We all nodded and were leaving through the gates, and Namjoon hyung checked if all of us were here, because Taehyung and him have a habit of getting lost.

"..where did Taehyung go again?" Namjoon asked, fed up with Taehyung getting lost again and again.

"We don't know, he was with us before we left tho??" Jin said.

Namjoon went inside and looked for Taehyung, but to our surprise..

He wasn't there.


We all were about to leave, until..

Someone pulled me by my feet.
I felt myself getting dragged somewhere, i opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth. I kept trying to shout for help, but i couldn't, i don't know why.

I felt something whisper in my ear..


I felt my eyes getting heavy, and i fell into deep slumber.

With the other boys.

They were shouting for taehyung, but he was no-where to be found. Jimin was scared, he was worried for his bestfriend.

"where is he?!" jimin exclaimed.

None of them knew, Jimin was on the verge of crying, he was afraid something happend to Taehyung.

Jin and Namjoon called the police after searching for 5 minutes more. The police asked them about why they were there.

"we came to see our relative's grave..", Jin lied.

The police came after approximately 10 minutes, and went inside with flashlights searching for someone, but..

"Sir, we searched everywhere, there's no one here."

Jimin couldn't hold it, and started crying, while jungkook hugged him.

They all were scared for Taehyung, and knew it was bad idea to come here. J-hope felt anxious, thinking if it was his fault.

Was it really her  who took taehyung? He wasn't the superstitious type, but he was afraid now.

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