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+:。.。Don't tell him, or else.。.。:+


I looked at jimin, he was really scared, i hugged him, and told him it's okay. He just looked really speechless, and i understood him.

Jimin said, "Tae, I'm hungry, and I want to forget about this, can we go to a café and eat? I'll ask ur nurse?".

"yes!" i replied, i hadn't been out of this room since hours, and i hated it. Jimin nodded and went to the nurse, she said yes, but he'll have to take care of me. We both went to the Café with a guard following us, it's literally so obvious that the nurse sent him.

We sat down, and called the waitress


"JI-EUN? Why are you here, leave me alone! no! get away from me!!" i shouted seeing the waitress. Jimin and the waitress looked at me confused, and Jimin held my hand telling me it's not her.

"N-NO! IT'S HER, PLEASE STOP, LEAVE ME ALONE", i kept on screaming and covering my ears and eyes.

Jimin took me out of the Café, and hugged me, telling me to calm down. I started crying remembering my past sin.

"Jimin.. It's my fault.." i mumbled.

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