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+:。.。Even more drip drop drip drop.。.。:+


The nurse came in jungkook's room after 1-2 hours, and muttered, "Mr. Jimin, we need to tell you something, please come out.", i told Jungkookie that I'll be back, and went out.

The nurse said, "Taehyung's life is in danger, he already had a wound on his head which would bleed alot, and his shoulder and cheek also bleeded alot, he got a lot of blood loss, we need someone to donate blood to him, or he won't be here anymore. His blood type is AB, btw."

I nodded, and told her I'll find someone to donate to him.

I remembered Hobi Hyung's blood type is AB too. I got my phone out, and called hobi hyung, and told him everything about ji-eun, and that taehyung is in danger.

He agreed that he'll do it.

But little did we know, Ji-eun wouldn't let it go like that.

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