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+:。.。it's not me。.。:+


"what are you talking about, Tae?", I asked him.

"i-i helped hobi hyung.."

"helped him? How?", i asked again.

"i helped him...k-kill ji-eun.." he whispered.

I looked at him speechless, "what..?".

"h-he forced me to, i promise.." he whispered again.

"tell me everything, Tae" i told him.

We sat on a bench, and he told me everything, i teared up hearing what taehyung had to go through.

"Tae.. Are you okay..?" i asked him.

"i-i guess." he replied.

"no, are you really okay?"

"..no.",he replied.

"i think we have to start the therapy from today, you need it Tae, you'll get better then.." i said,and he just looked at me and nodded while hugging me again.

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