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+:。.。My own brother doesn't remember me.。.。:+


I kept silent, and after a while, i muttered slowly, "J-ji-eun?".

"yes brother, i can't believe you forgot..", she said.

"H-how? You passed away an year ago.."

"I'm not in peace tho. But guess what, i killed my killer, brother." she said.

"W-what" i said feeling panicked.

"Yes.. Don't you wonder why your Hoseok isn't here?", she said.


"Because i killed him, just revenge you know." she replied.

"What?! No! He didn't kill you, why would you do that?!", I shouted feeling a feeling in my throat, trying not to cry.

"But he did kill me brother..don't you believe your sister..", she said sniffing again.

I kept silent, i didn't know what to say.

"aren't you proud of me, brother, for killing my killer..?", she asked.

"i-..i dont know." i replied.

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