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+:。.。Conscience is no more than the dead speaking to us。.。:+


The doctor did the tests and came to me.

"taehyung.. I'm sorry to tell you, but You're not okay. Your mental health is really bad, and apparently you have PTSD" he said.

I was shook, i have PTSD and schizophrenia..?

"I'll give you some medicines for schizophrenia, and for PTSD, you'll have a therapist. You will stay here for 1 week, but do you have anyone to watch over you? Like family or close friends?" he asked.

"yes, i have 6 friends.. But I don't have my phone" i replied.

He nodded, and gave me his phone, and told me to call them.

I remembered Jiminie's number, and dialed it.

He attended it after 2 minutes, i guess he was asleep.

"Hello?" he said.

"Jiminie! It's me, Taehyung." i replied.

Jimin let out a heavy breath and cut the call.. Huh, why would he..

I called again, "what do you want, Taehyung?! You almost strangled hobi hyung to death." he whispered-yelled.

"what?! But.. I'm at the hospital, i didn't come at home since we went to the cemetery, i never did that!" I replied.

"yeah yeah sure." he said.

"please, come to Health Care mental hospital,jimin! I swear, I didn't do that, I'll explain everything, once you come.." i said.

"..fine, I'll be there in 30" -Jimin.

He said, and cut the call.

I messaged him from the doctor's phone, saying "It's room 40 where i am at.".

Then the doctor took his phone and went out, while i waited for Jimin.

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