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+:。.。Everytime you get dressed, remember if you die, it's your ghost outfit.。.。:+


I got up from the bed, and washed my face, wore my shoes, and sneaked out.

Is taehyung really telling the truth?

I reached the mental hospital, and stood outside the room Taehyung told me.

I took a deep breathe, and entered the room to see Taehyung laying on the bed, looking really sad and different.

"Jiminie!" he shouted with a smile and got up and hugged me, for a second, i hugged back, but then i realized what this monster did, and pushed him away. I saw his smile fade, and turn into a sad face, i could tell he was trying not to cry.

"what do you want, are you gonna strangle me like you did to Hobi hyung, huh?", i asked.

"i-i-..nonono!! I didn't do that, it wasn't me, it was her! I was in here since the time i didn't reply! You can ask the doctor, but please.. Please believe me, jiminie, we've been childhood best friends, you know i wouldn't do something like that.." he said while tears were streaming down his face.

I looked at him, i couldn't help but believe him, Taehyung would never do that, and there was something odd with that taehyung, he wasn't acting like himself, maybe he is telling the truth. I went near him and hugged him tightly, "i missed you, I'm sorry for being a bish to you, i believe you, just tell me everything..",I said.

He hugged me back tightly, and told me everything that has happend, and about akihito, and akihiko. This was unbelievable, but Since it's taehyung saying that, i believe him, he never lies to me.

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