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Then Taehyung (ji-eun) pulled out a pocket knife and put it near my throat, and opened the camera, showing Tae hyung.

"N-no! Don't! Leave him alone..!" He shouted.

So the Taehyung holding the knife is Ji-eun..

I was scared, and teared up, was this my last day?

Jimin hyung tried to stop Ji-eun, but she pushed him to the wall harshly, making him fall down weakly.

She dragged the knife on my skin of my throat.

Blood. Drip drop Drip drop.

I screamed in pain, but she shut my mouth.

"N-no! Stop! I'm not helping you" Tae hyung said.

"oh then..", she said,and stabbed the knife in my arm harshly and disappeared in thin air.

I screamed loudly while blood dripped down my arm.

Jimin hyung ran to me and held my arm, the phone was dropped on the floor, and tae hyung was shouting, "take him to the hospital! Fast!".

Tae hyung cut the call, while i was crying and screaming in pain.

Jimin hyung held me and bought me inside the hospital, and i went in the room, and got stitches, because the wound was really bad. It hurt alot, jimin hyung was holding my other hand the whole time, and closing his eyes, he's sensitive to blood.


I cut the call, and ran to the nurse to tell her that my friend is bleeding and to help him just for now. The nurse agreed, and I stood outside the room Jungkook was in, feeling guilty, because it was my fault..

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