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+:。.。Ghosts will target you, and won't leave you alone, until you're dead.。.。:+


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"Have you been hallucinating or hearing voices these days?" the doctor asked me.

"Yes. Alot."

"i heard from the nurse that you randomly started screaming, is that right?"

"yes." i replied.

"was it a rage outburst?" he asked.

"..yes. It was."

"Taehyung, i know you think you don't have schizophrenia, but you do, you have all the symptoms of it."

"but how.."

"you probably don't remember, but,

the police found you at 12 am near the cemetery, and you were unconscious. When you woke up, you started screaming, and saying that she's here, and pointing in the air while trying to run away from someone,but there was no one there. So, they bought you over here, and we figured out you have schizophrenia, I'll come back at 8 am, and we'll do some blood tests, and health tests on you, so eat the meal the nurse gave you well." he said.

I was speechless, and just nodded my head.
How did i not die.. Ji-eun killed me, didn't she? Why don't I remember anything after the slash.

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