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+:。.。When you go to the mental hospital, you can never come back without hearing screams.。.。:+


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"No! Leave! Leave me alone please..!", i shouted loudly.

I banged on the door, seeing Heseok and Ji-eun get closer to me, i screamed loudly, and closed my eyes.


The door swung open revealing the nurse coming in.

"are you okay?" she asked

I looked at her, and was about to point at them, but heseok and ji-eun left

"t-they were right here..they left."

"Sir, you're just hallucinating, it's because of your illness, don't worry, go to sleep."

She left and locked the door again.

I started punching the walls, thinking I was so stupid to listen to heseok.

Heseok forced me. He forced me to help him kill ji-eun, and if I didn't, he'd tell the police that I killed his brother. I remember trying to run away, but he caught me.

I can't believe Ji-eun killed his brother. If yoongi knew, he'd be devastated.

I layed on the bed, and tried to sleep, but i couldn't.

I started hallucinating again, and seeing Ji-eun telling me to say sorry, before she kills me.

"No no I'm sorry, please.. I'm sorry I'm sorry, i didn't want to, but i had to.." i said while crying.

I stopped hallucinating, and finally fell asleep.

14th October, 2012
6:00 am.

I woke up by hearing someone say Good morning. I opened my eyes, and saw the doctor.

"Hello taehyung, Good morning, I'm here to check up on you." he said.

I got up and sat on the bed, while he sat next to me on the chair.

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