
152 12 4

+:。.。You're gonna help me。.。:+


The nurse put a bandage on my arm, to let the stitches heal, i had to stay here for 2 days, and my throat, she put a bandage there too. It hurt like hell.

I got shifted to a room near Taehyung's, this is a mental hospital, but they let me stay because of taehyung.

Jimin was sitting next to the bed, and Tae hyung came in.

I smiled seeing him, and waved at him with my other arm.

He ran up to me, and hugged me lightly, "I'm sorry Jungkook.. It was my fault"

"no hyung! It isn't ur fault, don't help her kill Hope hyung!" i said.

"i won't, but i have to make sure she doesn't hurt any of you though" he said.

I nodded my head. And just then..

Ji-eun appeared in the room.

She went to Tae hyung, and dragged him in the air,and made him fall on the floor harshly.

"Tae!" jimin shouted out, and was about to go to him, but she attached him to the seat next to my bed.

"leave him alone!!" Jimin and i shouted.

She took out a blade, and stabbed Tae hyung on his shoulder and scratched his cheek with the blade.

He was screaming in pain, and the nurse came in, while Ji-eun disappeared again.

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