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+:。.。Ghosts are real, they're right beside us.。.。:+


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I felt guilty..i tried to forget about what happend in the past. But after going there, and seeing the graves, i couldn't forget what happend, and what i did..

I changed my identity.

Taehyung didn't know, because he never saw me, I always wore a mask, which was green because it was my favorite color.

We all were worried, but the police kept telling us that we should go home and that Taehyung probably went home, alone too.

"maybe the police officers are right.. I mean he can't just disappear, he might have left on his own.. Let's just go home." spoke Namjoon, breaking the silence.

They all nodded except for Jungkook and Jimin, and me..

I didn't want to leave Taehyung again, after what happend in the past. I know he regretted the past, i did too, but it was for the better..

" no! What if he's in there. What if someone took him." shouted Jimin while crying.

"Yes, Jimin's right!" said jungkook, agreeing with Jimin.

"well, we're not staying here, he's definitely not in there, the police searched, you know how he is, he loves pranking us, he probably just left." Jin spoke too.

"maybe ur right.." said jungkook.

I agreed with Jin hyung, maybe it wasn't her.

Yes, I'm just over thinking..

Or i thought so.

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