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I called Jimin, as soon as i heard that girl, and said "h-hello", and kept it on speaker, letting him hear.

He whispered, "Tell Yoongi hyung to ask her to go outside in the forest with him, and you guys follow him with a match and gasoline."

I replied whispering, "o-okay.."

I went closer to yoongi and whispered in his ear, and he nodded.

"J-ji-eun, can we go to the forest together..?" he asked her.

"Omg! Yes brother!" she replied.

They both went out, she looked creepy with blood on her face and hands and everywhere.

Me, and Namjoon took matches and gasoline, and followed them.


I told the guys that I have to go somewhere, and I'll be back.

I quickly ran out and ran to the forest.

I met with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung, i told them to spill the gasoline on one spot, and they did.

I gave yoongi a sign to make her stand in that spot, and he did as i told him.

I hid behind a tree, about to toss the lighted match as Yoongi backed away from the spot.

Just then, Ji-eun looked behind her, and grabbed the match from me.

"did you stupid people really think you can make me go away like this? You guys are really dumb. I'm a ghost, i know everything you're gonna do." she said.

"shit..", i whispered under my breath.

She grabbed Yoongi by the neck making him float in the air.

Her voice became creepy and deep, "You've been hanging out with my killer for the past year, and you never thought to find my killer and closed the case! You're a cruel person, hanging out with ur sister's killer!!" she shouted.

Yoongi was choking and coughing alot, "s-stop please!", he begged.

Her force was strong, and she wasn't gonna stop.

Just then, Jin took out something from his pocket, and started throwing it on her, it looked like glitter.

She was screaming loudly, and dropped yoongi on the floor, while Jin hyung kept throwing it at her, and told me to light another match and throw it on the spot, while he took Yoongi away from her.

I quickly lighted anther match, and threw it where she was standing, the fire was spreading quickly, and Jin told us to get out of there. We got out of there, and i told them everything, while waiting for Jin.


Her soul finally started disappearing, and as soon as she left, i threw water on the fire and got out of there. I knew about Ghosts, and how to make their souls disappear, my friends, akihiko, and akihito told me about it, and gave me that glitter type thing. I knew i had to use it now, or yoongi would've been gone. Then, I joined the rest of the boys, and they told everything.

We all went to meet Taehyung and Jungkook. We were so happy seeing Taehyung again, but..J-hope isn't here anymore.. We planned a funeral for him later tommorow, the doctors said Taehyung could go, but in a wheelchair.

We al talked for a while, and Taehyung got to know about what happend to Hobi, and he was crying alot, we comforted him alot.

☾︎the next day, Jimin's pov.☽︎

I got ready and went to the hospital to help Taehyung, i could see from Taehyung's expression that he was really sad, he didn't want to talk too. I felt sad too, but i didn't want to show it, because the others feelings are more important, when we all got ready, we went to his funeral, Yoongi was already there, and was sitting near Hobi hyung's picture, crying alot. We went to him and sat next to him. We all were crying alot


why did he die, why did Ji-eun do this, we all didn't know, except for Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, but they didn't tell us, and said it's for our better.

The whole day passed like that. It was a really sad and devastating day.

At the end, Taehyung was taking therapy sessions, and his medicines for Schizophrenia were helping him alot.

He got rid of schizophrenia, and he still keeps taking Therapy sessions, and is getting better day by day. We obviously missed J-hope alot, but we tried to forget about it, because J-hope wouldn't want to see us sad.
We all are okay, and Taehyung is getting better day by day too.

After some months, Taehyung is okay, and doesn't have PTSD anymore. We all live a good life together, and never keep any secrets, and are always together, like brothers. We always go to J-hope's grave, and talk to him. It is all okay again. Ji-eun left, and we're living a good life.

The end.

Hello! Thank you so much for reading this book, i love you all, and I hope you enjoyed this book! If you didn't understand anything, please ask in the comments, I'll explain everything replying to you! <3

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