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+:。.。Don't you think you should've picked someone else apart from heseok?。.。:+


I went to the nurse, and told her we found someone to donate blood, and she told us to call him to come here, i messaged Hoseok hyung and told him the hospital and to come here.

When he came, the nurse told him that they don't know if he'll survive because they need to take alot of blood from hobi hyung.
He said, "it's okay, just take my blood", they got him ready and took him into the room, after he hugged me.

I waited outside till then.

☾︎Third person narrative☽︎


obi went inside, and the nurse put a drip on him, and made him unconscious by an injection. Nurse started taking his blood, but hobi could see something while he was unconscious.

he saw Ji-eun, telling him that he'll die, and telling him that he doesn't deserve to be happy. J-hope knew he wouldn't make it out alive now, for sure.

His breath was uneasy, and he was losing breath second by second. The nurse was still taking his blood, he was losing alot of blood.

The nurse was done with taking his blood, and Ji-eun's work was done.

The nurse checked the monitor, and saw.

She quickly called the doctors, and they tried everything, but he wouldn't wake up

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She quickly called the doctors, and they tried everything, but he wouldn't wake up.

The nurse went outside to Jimin, "Sir, we tried everything but, I'm so sorry for your loss." she bowed down lowly.

He was speechless, his eyes started watering. "n no, Hobi hyung is alive, no no!" he shouted.

The nurse told him to calm down, and that he had too much blood loss, and for some reason, his breathing was low.

Jimin fell on the ground, crying alot, he just lost his hobi hyung. The nurse said, "I'm really sorry, but we'll help Taehyung now..".

Jimin went into jungkook's room, his vision was blurry,because of crying so much.

"Jimin hyung! Why are you crying?" jungkook asked going to Jimin to hug him.

"J-Jungkook, Hobi hyung isn't here anymore. He died..", said jimin bursting into tears.

"what are you saying?! Where did hobi hyung come from" jungkook asked.

"Taehyung needed blood, because he had too much blood loss, Hobi hyung and Taehyung's blood type is the same, so he said he'll donate his blood.

But, hobi hyung's breath was really low, and he lost alot of blood, and he passed away, the doctors tried everything, nothing worked.", Jimin said while hugging jungkook tightly.

Both of them were crying alot, they couldn't believe they lost their hobi hyung.

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