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+:。.。I am coming. When you feel all chilly, I'm right beside you, about to kill you.。.。:+


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Me and Yoongi took J-hope from there, Taehyung has gone crazy. Wth is wrong with him, J-hope almost died, fgs.

Yoongi layed J-hope in the other room's bed, and looked really worried. Yoongi put some ice on J-hope's neck, he saw it from Google, that it helps when you get strangled. After some minutes, I went and got some cream, because J-hope's neck had bruises, how are Taehyung's hands so strong. I put it on J-hope's neck, and left the room to go to Taehyung.

"Taehyung, what the heck is wrong you, huh??!" i shouted at him.

"Nothing." he replied really coldly.

"Why tf did you strangle him?!" -me

"because.. He deserves it." -taehyung, in a really creepy voice.

What the heck is wrong with him.

"Get out of here, Taehyung, right now!" i yelled at him loudly.

He just glared at me and left the house.

I went out and saw Jimin, and Jungkook hugging eachother, scared that Taehyung would do something to them too, and Namjoon went in the room where J-hope was.


I..where am i..?

This place looked like a hospital, and i heard screaming and people punching the walls ringing in my ears.

I got up from the bed, and opened the room to see some nurses holding down some patients?? I was confused, then I saw a nurse coming to me.

"oh, you're finally awake!" she said to me.

I asked her, "who are you? Where am i?"

She looked at me, "you're at the..

Mental hospital."

Huh?? I'm not mental, what the heck!

"why am i here?! I'm not mental!!"

"you are, Taehyung, don't forget that you have


"what the heck?! I don't!"

I don't have schizophrenia! Last, I remember i was at a cemetery with my best friends, and got captured by Ji-eun, and she slashed me..?

How am i alive..?

"you're bleeding from ur head again. Lay down, I'll be back with medication." she said, and left the room locking it.

I was confused, rage took over me while thinking they're trapping me here.

Why am i here, why am I not dead, did someone save me, what happend.

The nurse came back, and treated my head.

Wait? I have a wound on my head? What's happening.

She bandaged it, and told me, "done, oh By the way, the doctor will come to check on you at 6:00 am in the morning." and left the room.

I don't know what's happening. Where am i, why am i here, what's wrong with me. I started screaming loudly, and seeing..

Heseok.. And Ji-eun..?

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