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Sorry y'all had to wait 3 days, and for a short chapter nonetheless, I'm sorry, I'll make the next chapter longer

Not edited

Eight months.

He's eight months along, and the fear has set in. Like really set in. Or as much as he lets it while being busy with schedules, fillings, and concerts.

   The fear truly set in while he was getting his long hair dyed its natural colour, black, at some salon in New Jersey when he had time to think, and think he did. And panic. He internally panicked quite a bit.

   Shit. What'll happen when it's born? How will it be born? Would I shit it out or would I need one of those C-Section things? I should google that later. How does my biology even work? They don't teach this shit in school— He was about to take out his phone to search it up, but looked around him at the stylists and other members around him. Not now...


"Woooah Yuta hyung... you look so good with black hair!" Jaehyun complimented him as he got in the van, causing the others to look up from their phones.

"Woah dude," Mark exclaimed as the Japanese sat beside him, and he reached up to card his hands through his soft, long, black hair, "When was the last time you had black hair?"

   Clipping on his seatbelt, "O... I don't know, it's been a while. You like it?" He asked a bit shyly.

   "Dude of course, you look amazing!" Yuta smiled as he relaxed in his seat, glad about the praise, feeling happier than he's been for the last couple of days.

   As he stared out the window at the foreign streets, his mind drifted back to what he was thinking about earlier; the baby. He feels like a broken record repeating the same questions over and over; What will I do when it comes? How will the guys react? What will I do.


Snapping out of his thought, he turned to look at Taeyong, onto to notice the van was empty except for the two of them. "Huh, where—"

"They went inside to the hotel, they're sorting out rooms." Taeyong got up from his seat in the passenger side and made his way to the back to sit beside him. He sighed as he sat down, arm coming to wrap around the younger's shoulders, who couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. "Now, we need to talk."

He gulped, growing nervous seeing the serious look in his eyes, "We do?"

"We do." He cleared his throat, worry melting into his serious expression. "Is something going on Yuta?" He asked softly. And before the other could say anything he explained his thoughts. "You've been acting different lately," he noticed? "You've been more reserved lately –you're usually a bit quiet, but never this quiet. Over the last few months you've been actively avoiding some of the guys." He pointed out, which made Yuta shy away in guilt. It was true, alongside being self conscious about being pregnant, whenever he recalled a memory from that night he'd avoid looking anyone who was in it in the eyes, too embarrassed and flustered to even look at them.

Like currently, he was trying to avoid Johnny, Dongyoung, and Taeyong. Which have proven to be quite difficult; Dongyoung keeps an eye on him and he can't get away from him. And Taeyong is the leader and would notice when something happens and will confront him.... which is what's happening.

   "I..I um..." he stuttered, not knowing what to say. Should I tell him? What if he turns out to be the... the father? As our leader he should know.... He contemplated, fingers fidgety as he didn't dare meet the older's eyes, in case he could see right through him. "I just... I'm st-starting to remember what uh.... what happened that night... when we got drugged..."

Technically, that wasn't a lie. "It's just... embarrassing, you know?" He added, looking to Taeyong with the most pitiful eyes he could muster.

   Luckily for him, Taeyong's the type to fall for puppy eyes. The elder's face softened and he leaned over, wrapping his arms around the Japanese, patting his back. Taeyong apologizes, as a group they never sat down to speak of that night seriously, and as the leader he regrets not confronting it now knowing one of his members was hurting from it, "Ah, that makes sense, that probably has made things uncomfortable for you hasn't it? I'm sorry Yuta. I should've done something... I should've noticed something was wrong before it was too late."

Yuta relaxed in his embrace, the warmth comforting as he returns it, feeling a sudden rush of emotions, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He didn't even know why he felt so... much. A-are these the pregnancy hormones everyone complains about? He squished his cheek against the korean's shoulder, a crystal clear tear falling down his cheek, wetting the shirt of the older, unintentionally whispering weakly, "Thank you hyung... I'm sorry."

And he is, for more than one reason, but mostly for keeping such a life changing thing a secret.



Sorry for the later update and short chapter

Btw on Ao3 I posted a oneshot, bttm Yuta x 127 so yeah check that out, of not, its pretty... weird.

Anyways, thanks to the help of CrashLandingOn_Mars I've –we've– come up with some ideas for fillers to keep this book longer than 15 chapters and funner to read, so yAY

Anyways Byee 💚🌱

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