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Hey early squad.... I'm sorry for the hella late update, last week was the first week of school and it's been hectic with school and alongside marching band, so I've had little time to write

And I've been reading some manga.... I 10/10 would recommend "Omniscient Reader", "My Darling Signed In", and "Cherry Blossom After Winter"

short chapter, sorry ;-;

*not edited*


Knock Knock

"Come in!"

"Oh shit- Be there in a second!"

Footsteps rushed to the door before a small click was heard and it swung open, revealing the tall black haired male. "Sorry hyung, I forgot you couldn't just, open, the door." The younger apologized as he stepped away to let the eldest in.

Taeil looked around the two bed hotel room. "Is Hyuck here?"

"Hyuck? No, he's in Johnny and Mark's room, why?" Dongyoung asked as he sat back down on his bed.

"I need to talk with you both, it's about Yuta and the twins, it's urgent." He said.

The younger instantly got up, worried plastered in the way his brows furrowed. "Urgent? Why? Did something happened to them? What about Ten? He's with them right?"

Taeil waved him off as he walked back to the door, "I'll tell you when I come back with Hyuck."

In disbelief, "What, hyung, just tell- ....me." He frowned as the door clicked shut behind the elder.


"Hyuck's here, now tell us please, what's going on with Yuta hyung?" Dongyoung asked, slightly irritated and anxious.

"Yeah, what's up?" The youngest asked, leaning on his knees sitting on the desk chair.

Licking his lips, "Well, Ten called me just now, uh," how do I word this? "Long story short, Yuta and the twins are stuck in an elevator with a dead phone, in the dark."

"WHAT?" Dongyoung yelled, standing up, alarmed.

   Donghyuck spat out his soda that he was drinking, taking a second to cough before looking at Taeil in disbelief. "Since when? Holy fu- are they okay? What the hell is Ten hyung doing? Is he with them? Wh-What..."

   "Yeah, where the fuck was Ten?" Dongyoung asked sternly, fire in his eyes.

   Running a hand through his hair, "Ten let them go ahead as he was in a fucking long line." He answered, groaning. "I ended the call like, ten minutes ago, so it should be like, thirty minutes ago?"

   "Thirty–" Dongyoung cut himself off, taking a deep breath, and turned around, walking towards the hotel room's closet and taking out his suitcase.

   The youngest and oldest watched confused as he haphazardly unzipped it and threw it open, and began speed walking around the room, collecting belonging and stiffly them as neatly as he could when throwing items in. It wasn't until he grabbed his laptop from the desk that Taeil realized, racing forward to grab the younger's elbow.

   "Wait, what are you doing? Don't tell me you're going–"

   "I am." The taller hissed, yanking his arm away and continued to pack his things. "I'm going whether you like it or not." He glanced over his shoulder to the two, saying in a less stern voice, yet just as sharp, "You're welcome to come along, if you will, I suggest hurrying up, I'm leaving as soon as possible."

   Taeil watched as Donghyuck shot up, racing to the closet to get his suitcase, and began shuffling around the room. He watched the two for a second before he sighed, rubbing his forehead before he left the room to go to his own, room card tight in his grasp as he walked down the hall with a purpose.

   He'll fly to Chicago to see Yuta and the twins, to help them in anyway he could.



I'm sorry for the short update ;-;
School started and it's been, oof. And school alongside marching band got me busy, and as I mentioned before, I've started to read some webtoon/manga *my personal favorite of the three I mention is a tie of Omniscient Reader and My Darling Signed In* so I've been distracted with those.

Again, I'm very sorry for the short chapter, I'll work hard to write when I got time and am not swamped with crap to do

See y'all later 💚🌱

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