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Hey early squad~ great to see y'all again~

Sorry about the long wait and this short (~750 words) chapter :(

*not edited*


His eyebrows furrowed as the numbers began flicker between eight and nine, confused.

But his heart stopped the same moment the elevator did with a loud eerie screech and a shake.

   He stumbled, the shake scaring him, and his knuckles grew white from the grip he had on both the stroller and the handle bar connected to the wall.

   He watched with wide, scared eyes, as the red numbers flickered between the two numbers before disappearing altogether, leaving a black screen. The lights flickered for a second, making him jump, making the elevator to creak loudly.

   "W-What the fuck..." he whispered, starting to slightly panic. Looking around, he reached over -not wanting to take any steps in fear of shaking the elevator or causing more creaking- and tried pressing the button to open the doors.

   When the doors didn't open, he tried pushing them again, but to no avail. What the fuck- what the fuck do I do? I'm actually stuck in an elevator, dear god... he ran his hands through his hair, stressed and worried before wrapping one around Shotaro and holding onto the stroller with the other. Curse you Chittaphon for needing to buy so many clothes!

Nervously licking his lips, he looked around, scanning over the many buttons until he spotted a red phone button.

He was reaching over to press it, to, obviously, call for help, when the lights flickered, making his flinch and look up in time to watch as the light disappeared, drowning the elevator in darkness.

"Wha-what the fuck..." he whispered, voice shaky as he looked around in the darkness. He stood still, rigid, and silent, in the dark; but the quietness was suddenly interrupted by a small cry. He himself let out a short lived scream, the cry having been startling, his heart beating against his chest.

   It was Sungchan who had cried, and he could heard him squirming in his seat as he cried, finding the dark just as unsettling as he; but from the small whimpers from Shotaro, he could tell the other one would start crying shortly.

  Using his phone's flashlight to light the space. Not exactly thrilled –quite frankly, he's scared shitless– about this possibly broken elevator, he sat on the floor, scooting over to the stroller, quietly shushing the babies. "H-Hey, Sungchan-ah, it's alright," not really, for I know this bitch's rope could snap and we're dead. "Quiet down, Chichi's here, ssshh..." he gently lifted the younger out of the stroller, setting him on his lap alongside Shotaro.

   He was gently rocking the two, focusing on calming them to distract himself and his racing heart and mind from the situation, hoping to delay his own panic, when his phone, which was face down on the floor with the flashlight on, vibrated suddenly in the silence, causing the Japanese to jump and scream.

   In turn, the twins began crying from the startle and sound. With a racing heart and frantically trying to rocking the twins, he grabbed his phone, quickly answering the call.

   "Hey hyung, are you seeing this blackout right now?" Came Chittaphon's voice, and he could imagine the younger looking around the dark mall in awe.

   In a breathless whisper and tight smile, "Yes Ten. I see— actually, I can't."

   "It's cool isn't it! Also, where are you? I'm at the baby store and I don't see you?— Wait is that the twins crying I hear?!" The younger asked, worried. "Omo- where are you? I'll come find you!"

   "Please do," Yuta said, panic seeping in as he explained his situation. "I'm in the elevator, it, it stopped and t-there's no lights in here either...." he said, voice unknowingly shaky.

   "The elevator?!" The Thai screeched. "Holy fuck- which one? Which floor?? Are the twins okay?! Are you okay!?"

   Yuat looked around the dark, and slowly growing eerie, room. "Uh... the one next to that Build-a-something store-"

   "Build-A-Build Workshop?"

   "-whatever, a-and I think between floors, um, eight and nine?" He said unsure. "It was glitching between eight and nine for a few seconds before it stopped, I don't know it stopped there though...." he said. He pushed the crying infants against his chest, trying to sooth them as he held the phone between his shoulder and ear.

   "Eight and nine? Well shit, that high... um, okay, stay calm," Chittaphon said, "I'm going to g—"

   The audio cut off, and before he could even call out "Ten?", they were engulfed in darkness.



Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. If some bits don't make sense I'm sorry, I've been writing this chapter in small chunks over the last week

I've been very best, I got marching band mon-thurs, 9-5, and I was busy on Friday as well, and barely had time to write, I also have some ✨ stress ✨ knowing I have to read a lot of textbook pages and write notes for school due by the first of sept -which I've yet to do or even start- and my ideas were running dry for the last few days

But I do got more ideas, also, I'm nearly done with a oneshot I will be posting to ao3, idk if I will repost it here tho....

Anyways, I hope to enjoyed this chapter, and forgive me for how short it was 💚🌱

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