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Hey early squad~ a little longer update, but not longer enough :/ only ~680 words :/

And guys, if it isn't too much to ask for, please comment, they give me motivation to keep writing ^_^

Not edited


   He was starting to nod off, eyes starting to close –he thinks, at least, he can't tell the difference when he closes his eyes or opens them really. It was quiet and dark, his brain must be thinking it's night and time to sleep, as he was fully awake just before. It felt as if he was just about to fall through and sleep when he heard something, a loud, horribly loud –or maybe it isn't, and it's just because it been quiet for this long– screech.

The sudden sound scared him, making him startle and jump, eyes wide. Shotaro and Sungchan startled just as much from his movement and began squirming in his hold, displeased by the jump.

His first thought was that someone was about to kill him, then the rational part of him realized, is someone coming to save us? Is it Ten? He shuffled to where he believes the doors were –it's felt like forever since the lights went out, that he's forgotten which direction was, well, anything– and pressed his ear up against the cold metal.

   Surprisingly, he could hear muffled voices, that sounded far away, too far away to hear clearly. The screeching and freaking and banging continued, the noises unpleasant to hear. I can hear more than one voice... is it the police? Firemen? Firetruck..... whoop whoop whoop whoop–

   Suddenly he heard a slightly higher voice, That's Ten! He immediately recognized the voice, despite it being muffled and distant. He got excited, this means they'll be able to leave right?!

   He waited patiently –impatiently- for something to happen, sitting against the door, ear to the warmed metal.

Suddenly, the elevator jolted slightly, causing him to scream, surprised by the movement. He jumped back from the door, with a racing heart as he felt the elevator slowly being lowered. The voices outside were super rly becoming a bit louder, yet still muffled from the metal.

His heart was still beating so loudly in his ears that it covered much of any noise, and before he could really process anything, a small sliver of light appeared, and it grew wider and wider and brighter, that he had to squint his eyes to not be blindly after who knows how long in the dark.

"Hyung! Are you okay?! What happened?!" Ten's voice immediately hit him, as did the body wrapping its arms around him.

After getting accustomed to the light, he found Ten right in front of him, eyes wide with worry.

"Phone died-" was all he could mumble before the shrill cries of Sungchan and Shotaro interrupted them, the two quite disturbed by the sudden bright lights. "Uh, can you hold one-"

"Yeah-" Ten took Shotaro from him and helped him stand up from the ground -and then helped steady him as his legs were definitely not prepared to stand.

As they were calling the babies, one of the firefighters approached Ten, and the two spoke a bit before the Thai turned to him, "Hyung, they said the ambulance is outside and that it'll probably be safer to take you and the babies to the hospital just to make sure everything's okay or something."

"Um, sure?" He agreed. He's not really sure if it's necessary, but he wants to make sure the twins are for sure okay. "Let's go then."


"Hey Ten," He held the phone to his ear.

"Hey Doyoung Hyung, ha ha.... What's up?"

"Where are you and Yuta Hyung right now?" He asked, holding his suitcase with his other hand.

"Woah Hyung, look at that building!" Donghyuck smacked Taeils arm and pointed at some tall building.

"Ow- what the hell- oh wow, that building's really nice."

"I know right? What do you think it is?"

"An office building?"

"Uhh, us? Well.... Y hospital..."

   "Shit... we'll be there soon." He told the Thai.

   "Soon? Like, how soon? Like you're heading to the airport soon or I'm getting in the plane soon?" Ten asked, slightly nervous.

   Waving down a taxi, and having to drawing Donghyuck by the collar, he answered dryly.

   "I'm in a taxi on the way to Y Hospital soon."

   ".... Shit."



Anything you want to see in this book? Any suggestions? Definitely no because I'm low key running out of short fillers to put–

Anyways, thank you all fir always waiting and reading and voting and commenting, it all means a lot ^_^ 💚🌱

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