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   "Hey Yuta hyung!"

He jumped, jolted away from the rack of babies clothes as if they had burned him and swung around to find Dongyoung the Taeil coming down the walkway, a bag each in their hands. Dongyoung approaches first, "Hyung, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, you were taking too long so we decided to check out our things we had, but we had a bit of miscommunication and it took longer than we thought."

Stepping farther away from the baby section, "Oh yeah... you should've told me Doie! And you took my phone! Tsk." He said with mock annoyance.

   Taeil looked over his shoulder, where he had been, "Yu... what were you doing in the baby section?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, um, the baby section," His brain blanked, "Uh, nothing. I was just bored." He said rather quickly, though trying not to sound too unusual. But by the look Taeil gave him, it seems he had failed to act normal.

   The eldest looked around as Dongyoung dug through his pockets to hand Yuta his phone back, trying to see what could be so interesting. In a strangely calm voice, he turned to the Japanese, asking with a raised brow, "You didn't get some girl pregnant, did you?"

   Dongyoung choked on his spit as Yuta's cheeks flushed bright red as he smacked the eldest's shoulder, "Hyung! No! Of course not!"

   "Aye, chill, just making sure."

   Still flustered, Yuta added, "Why would you even think that!" He whined. "I'm not even into girls! You know this hyung!"

"In that case, you didn't get a hybrid pregnant did you?" Taeil asked instead, a small child was sent down his spine. Yuta felt as if the elder knew something. Creepy...

"What?! Of course not..." he said, he looked around, trying to change the topic, but thankfully Dongyoung stepped in, asking, "Oi hyung, why don't we got to the food court? I'm hungry~"

Looking at his watch, Taeil shrugged, seemingly forgotten the topic before, "Sure, I'll text the guys to meet us there so we can eat altogether."


The three walked out the automatic doors of the store, when Dongyoung paused, patting his pockets frantically, the elder two turned to him when the younger exclaimed, stepping backwards to head back into the store. "I forgot my phone on the bench! You guys go ahead, I'll meet you guys there!"

Yuta and Taeil shrugged, and walked towards the food court as Dongyoung jogged back into the store. Seeing the two out of sight, he retraced their steps, eventually finding himself back in the baby's section. He slowed down to look around. What will he need? I can't buy anything big, I can't hide anything like that... only something small and easy to hide... he scanned the racks and shelves. Hmm.... this is so hard... screw it, I'll just buy two onesies. He shook his head as he found the newborns section.

He pulled out a soft brown one with little stitches leaves and light blue one with stitched water drops, both with little hoods. He used the self check out to buy the items, sneaking them in his between his own new clothes in his bag of already purchased items.

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