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Hey early squad~

It's been like a year or two.... sorry for the long wait and short chapters :( I wanted to make this longer but then I realized the last time I hoed was August 14 and decided, shit, that's a long time ago... so here it is

Sorry if some bits seems messy, I wrote this chapter over a span of a few days

*not edited*


   "Eight and nine? Well shit, that high... um, okay, stay calm," Chittaphon said, "I'm going to g—"

   The audio cut off, and before he could even call out "Ten?", they were engulfed in darkness.

   "Ten?!" He blindly grabbed his phone, pulling it away from his ear, pressing the home button, the power button, the volume, nothing. His phone was dead.

   "Fuck fuck fuck, fuck!" He cursed, the panic he was trying to suppress starting to show; he could feel the tears forming at the corner of his eyes, his chest tighten with fear. Giving up on his phone he shoved it into his back pocket and wrapped his arms around the twins, making sure neither could fall from his lap and were pressed against him.

   The only sounds he could here were his own ragged breathing and the loud cries of the twins; and he didn't know how to calm them. W-What do I do? What can I do?? Rocking them wasn't working, he tried singing a lullaby which also didn't work, Are, are they hungry...? We've been out of the house for quite some time, he thought before he paused, Of course they're fucking hungry! It been some hours since last fed!

   "How could I be so dumb?" He whispered to himself as he blindly lifted his shirt up, allowing the two to feed.

   Soon, the room was near quiet save for the quiet noises of the twins, and he let out a shaky sigh, and could only hope that Ten was getting help, the small room was growing steadily unsettling.


   "I'm going to g–"


   Startled by the sudden buzzing he pulled his phone again from his ear, and stared in disbelief at the screen. He hung up!? Utterly confused, he tried to call back, only to be told by that robotic voice that this number cannot be reached right now. Did his phone die?! Shit!

What do I do?! What do I do?? He began freaking out, pacing the racks of baby clothes before pausing, Help! Shit I'm fucking stupid! Using his phone flashlight, he made his way through the dark store, reaching the registers, a single lone employee with on their phone light on sorting clothes behind the counter. Walking up rather quickly, "Excuse me!"

The employee turned around, "Yes? Is anything I can help you with today?" She asked with the usual customer service smile and voice –though he can see the dread in her eyes, and he can tell she's been asked too many times about the power outage. -But he could less about that at the moment.

A bit rushed, with exaggerated hand movements, "My friend is stuck in one of the elevator -the, the one over to the left- and his phone just- it's dead. And he has like two, three week old twins with him!" He rambled in one breath to the employee who's face slowly morphed to shock as his sentence ran on.

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