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A full length ish chapter today! ~1270 words!

Please enjoy and please comment! I love reading your comments and responding to them! ^_^

*not edited*

   He held the twins in his lap, both leaning their heads on his chest, having calmed down after feeding and grown tried and were sleeping. He breath was shaky and he leaned against the wall of the elevator, having blindly shuffled over to lean against the wall. His phone sat useless in his pocket.

   He doesn't know how long ago he started crying, thin streaming of tears quieting falling down his cheeks and neck and soaking the collar of his shirt, breath hiccuping but he tried his best to keep his lips sealed to muffle the sound and stop his chest from jerking so much to allow the twins a peaceful sleep.

   Every time he blinks it felt strange. Closing his eyes, he saw the darkness, opening them, he yet again saw darkness. He wanted to keep his eyes closed, believing it'll feel less... scary, that way, because at least that way he can think the reason he can't see is because he's closing his eyes. Yet he can't keep his eyes from opening, and staring into the empty space in front of him. By no means was he afraid of the dark, yet that childhood fear was crawling back the longer they spent in here. The childish fear of something being in the dark was tapping the back of his mind. He knows there's nothing there, nothing here besides them three, but the silence was unsettling. There was no sound besides the occasional creak –which would freak him out every time, his heart pounding loudly in his ears for the next minute or two following the sudden sound– and their quiet breathing and shuffling. He wished he had Ten with him, at least then he'd have someone to talk with, to fill the silence with, but he didn't, Ten was- he was...


Where was Ten now?

What was going on outside this elevator?

Did Ten call for help? Is help coming? Ten was smart and could communicate in English, surely he was working on trying to get him and the twins out right?


   "What...?" The Thai asked in disbelief, face pale as he looked at the employee. "What do you mean they can't get here?!"

   The employee apologized. "I'm sorry sir, it'll just take some time, the parking lot is packed and cars are blocking the emergency vehicle spaces. But don't worry sir, they'll get here, it'll just take some time." She explained to the stressed man.

   "I- okay, okay, okay." He groaned as he tugged slightly at his hair. "It's been nearly an hour, isn't there a way to like, get them here? They don't need to be parked there right?" He asked, expression desperate.

   "I'll see what I can do." She said, turning back to the phone and dialing a number.

   With a sigh, Ten looked around, he was nervous, very nervous. He couldn't just stay still. Without a word he left the store and he saw many customers walking around, the sunlight coming from the glass roof casting the store in a warm glow where it touched. Frozen escalators were momentarily serving as stairs to get to one floor to another in a continuous zigzag.

Snaking his way between people and going to the nearest window, he looked outside to the parking lot, and sure enough, there was a fire truck with police cars and an ambulance behind it, unable to enter the packed parking lot nor pass the long line of leaving cars.

   He bit at the nail of his thumb at the sight outside, "Fuck fuck fuck...."

   He stood anxiously for what felt like forever before he saw the fire truck, police cars, and ambulance finally enter the crowded lot, and barely able to - a bit messily - parallel park near the closest door to the mall. He jerked away from the large glass window when he saw the crew of emergency services unloading and heading towards the building. Finally! He breathed a sigh of relief and he began anxiously waiting for them to arrive.

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